Hedonic Price Theory: Concept and Applications
Direct and indirect techniques are being used to estimate economic consequences of proximity to existing or proposed public facilities. The hedonic price theory, an indirect technique,...

Analysis of RADTRAN Transportation Model
The RADTRAN computer model, used to estimate the risks of transporting waste to a high-level repository, is critically reviewed. Ignoring high consequence accidents, human error, sabotage,...

Requirements for Controlling a Repository's Releases of Carbon-14 Dioxide; The High Costs and Negligible Benefits
A repository excavated within the unsaturated zone may release carbon(C)-14 dioxide in amounts that exceed limits imposed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Nuclear Regulatory...

Implications of the New Radiation Exposure Limits on Space Station Freedom Crews
Spaceflight unavoidably increases the exposure of astronauts to natural ionizing radiation. Any increase in radiation exposure increases the risk of contracting cancer or inducing genetic...

Artificial Gravity: Human Factors Design Requirements
A major challenge of manned spaceflight is to assure the health, well-being and performance of the space inhabitants. As man ventures beyond Earth's orbit to settle the Moon,...

Benefits of Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators
Since the 1960's the United States has had the capability to reach beyond the planet Earth with the aid of satellites and interplanetary space probes. As probes such as the...

Creatively Cost Sharing a Large Flood Control Dam
The passage of Public Law 99-662 in November of 1986, commonly known as the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, added a new dimension to Federal development of water resource projects....

Legal Issues Presented by the Regionalization of a Water System
The joint development of a water supply and related infrastructure ('regionalization') by independent municipal and private entities presents legal and institutional...

Managing Water During Drought
In response to the problems that recent droughts have exposed, the Corps of Engineers is conducting the National Water Management During Drought Study. The primary purpose of the study...

Ute Mountain Ute Indian Water Rights Settlement of 1988
The Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, located in the southwest corner of Colorado, agreed to a negotiated settlement of Winters Doctrine Water Rights rather than pursuing litigation. The Tribe will...

Administration of the Pecos River Compact Between New Mexico and Texas
The Pecos River Compact specifies the allocation of water between New Mexico and Texas. Due to difficulty in reaching agreement Texas sued New Mexico in the Supreme Court. The Court issued...

Water Rights, Water Development, & Growth Issues in Goleta, California
The Goleta Valley and Santa Barbara areas of southern California are highly desirable places to live. In the past, relatively uncontrolled growth of the Goleta Valley area led to a gradual...

Water Basins in the Middle East
In Middle Eastern factional scheming for power, water is viewed as a strategic resource. The distribution of surface waters constitutes the basis for water geopolitics, thus representing...

Water for Houston: The Wallisville Case
The multipurpose Wallisville project included an industrial water supply for Houston. The project was nearly 70 percent complete when environmentalists succeeded in stopping construction...

Evaluation of Conjunctive Use and Drainage Reduction Strategies
Optimal drainage management strategies for control of salt and selenium contamination problems in the San Joaquin Valley of California must recognize subregional differences in groundwater...

Land-Water Management: Theory and Practice
Policies for land and water management should be consistent and coordinated. Traditionally, land use and water management decisions have been made by different levels of government and/or...

The Genesis of Surface Water for San Antonio
San Antonio is the ninth largest city in the United States and the only one of that group that relies exclusively on groundwater. The Applewhite Water Supply Project is the first surface...

Water Measurement and Accounting of Lake Michigan Diversion
The diversion of water from Lake Michigan and the Lake Michigan Basin into the Mississippi River Basin has been regulated since the turn of the century. The U.S. Supreme Court Decree of...

Abilene, Texas, Flood Control Study?Cast History
The Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District, is currently performing a study of flooding problems of Abilene, Texas. This is the first study under the General Investigations authority...

Water Resources: Transfer of Development Rights
This paper addresses conflicts regarding development, land owners rights, accepted land development management practices, and community or public rights. It includes such issues as the...





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