Route Thaw Settlement: A Probabilistic Evaluation
A methodology is outlined for assessing potential differential thaw settlement effects on structures due to permafrost degradation along transportation routes in the offshore, nearshore,...

Effects of External Loadings on Large-Diameter Buried Pipelines
Development of oil and gas resources in the far north has involved extensive use of buried steel pipelines. Buried pipelines, particularly onshore, are frequently subjected to heavy superimposed...

Soil-Pipeline Interaction During Ground Movement
The problem of the elastic interaction is examined between a pipeline or a group of connected flexible connected pipelines and the surrounding soil medium, which is induced by ground movement....

Technical Considerations for Beaufort Sea Pipelines
The development of Beaufort Sea fields requires construction methods and equipment for pipeline installation and trenching providing a balance between safety, reliability, and economy....

Earth Pressure on Underground Concrete Pipe in a Field Test
The cause of cracking at the sheetpile extraction in concrete pipes buried by the open excavation method was investigated by loading tests on the pipe and a field test carried out by Osaka...

Earth Pressure on Underground Rigid Pipe in a Centrifuge
A series of centrifugal model tests on underground pipes that simulate the actual construction process were carried out to investigate the earth pressure concentration onto the pipe (particularly...

Maintaining a Natural Gas Pipeline in Active Landslides
This paper deals with a pipeline section on both sides of Douglas Pass in west Colorado. Landslide activity in the area has been causing considerable problems and disruptions of the pipe...

Seismic Pope Support Construction Practices
During the mid 1970's the regulatory agencies controlling the design and construction of nuclear power plants began to demand stricter adherence to already existing codes...

Structural Retrofit for Nuclear Power Plants
Retrofitting of nuclear power plants is a major concern these days. Recent rulings of regulatory agencies have affected most of the generating plants in some way. The lessons learned from...

Modifying Piping Systems During a Plant Outage
This paper describes methods to reduce problems in design and planning of modifications to piping systems during a nuclear plant outage. Significant differences between original design...

Snow Effects on Pile Design Temperatures
The construction of North Slope aboveground pipelines and gathering lines is generally from snow workpads constructed proximate to existing access roadways. The pile support centerline...

Cover Allocation in Rangeland Watershed Management (A Review)
The importance of cover on rangelands has been recognized for many years. This paper reviews the importance of cover in terms of infiltration and erosion and provides management recommendations...

Assessing Risks of Impaired Hydrologic Function
This paper describes the rationale and use of a 'resource tolerance' to evaluate hydrologic function and presents a method to establish a relative tolerance threshold...

Erosion, Productivity and Rangeland Watershed Planning
The Bureau of Land Management is responsible for the management of over 160 million acres of rangeland in the western United States. The principal uses of these rangelands are the grazing...

Surface Erosion Control on Roads in Granitic Soils
The impact of forest road construction on water quality and fish habitat is a serious problem for engineers, hydrologists, and foresters. Control of surface erosion is an important and...

Filters and Leakage Control in Embankment Dams
In the practice of earth dam engineering there has been some doubt that downstream filters could be relied upon completely to control and seal concentrated leaks through impervious dam...

Earth Dam Seepage Control, SCS Experience
The U. S. Department of Agriculture's Soil Conservation Service (SCS) designs and administers construction of a large number of small- or medium-sized dams. SCS experience...

Containment of Textile Waste Using a Geomembrane
A wastewater treatment plant for a textile mill incorporated two 2. 7 million gallon aeration ponds which had originally been lined with clay. The clay liner leaked and caused the formation...

Is There Grit in Your Sludge?
Getting the grit out of municipal sludge can lower the total cost of operating a wastewater plant. Grit escalates maintenance costs and abrasive-laden sludge is costly to dispose of. Because...

A Tale of Six Cities
Battle Creek is a four mile urban stream that had an erosion problem that was accelerating with urbanization of its watershed. Erosion created unstable ravine slopes over 60 feet high,...





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