An Evaluation Study of Modified Mohr-Coulomb and Cap Models
Two failure criteria, namely Mohr-Coulomb and cap models, are considered in this paper with some modifications. Mohr-Coulomb theory is applied to concrete after stress and strain cut-offs...

Seismic Stability Analysis of Landfill
The failure mechanism of a waste containment system is not well understood due to the complexity and the heterogeneity of the system. The recent slope failure of the Kettleman Hills waste...

The Effective Stress Path for Soil at High Pressure
The effect of increasing stiffness in the soil skeleton on the effective stress path in undrained triaxial compression tests is experimentally examined and found to not be significant....

Constitutive Equation for Granular Material by Hypoelasticity
Constitutive equations for soil based upon the incremental theory of hypoelasticity are proposed in this paper to account for the stress path dependency and dilatant behavior of soil....

Properties of Aggregate-Cement Interface for High Performance Concrete
An experimental study of the interfacial zone between aggregate and cement paste was undertaken. Various factors such as type of aggregate, treatment of aggregate surface, mixing process...

A Cumulative Failure Criterion of Concrete Under Uniaxial Dynamic Compressive Loading
It has been previously reported that the strength and critical strain of concrete under impact increase with strain rate, but neither of them can predict failure. A cumulative damage parameter...

Mechanical Properties of High Performance Concretes
This paper presents some of the initial results of a 4-year research project on mechanical properties of high performance concretes with particular reference to highway applications. High...

Modal Analysis of Vibration Response for Condition Monitoring of Structures
The response of a structure to load is evidence of what the structure is; of the materials, members, connections and form of the structure. Response is evidence as well of the condition...

Evaluating Damage Detection in Bridges
Several researchers have recently considered using vibration monitoring of highway bridges as a means for detecting structural deterioration. Results to date have demonstrated that the...

A New NDT Device for Comprehensive Pavement Maintenance (Theoretical Aspects)
A new nondestructive testing (NDT) device is being developed to detect some precursors to pavement distress. The principle of operation of the device is based upon the generation and detection...

Integrity Testing of Concrete Elements Using Surface Waves
The Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW) method is a nondestructive testing procedure which has been extensively used to determine in situ the elastic moduli of soils and pavements...

A Multiple Disk Centrifugal Pump as an Artifical Ventricle
A pulsatile, multiple disk, centrifugal pump has been analysed and tested for potential use as an artificial ventricle. The pump is similar to a Tesla Turbine design which consists of...

Flexural and Shear Studies of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Beams
This paper presents the results of laboratory test on beams reinforced with three dimensional continuous carbon fiber grid. The grid is prefabricated by three-dimensional weaving and epoxy...

Constitutive Modeling of Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Concrete (SIFCON)
Slurry Infiltrated Fiber CONcrete (SIFCON) is a unique material, containing 5 to 18 percent, by volume, of steel fibers; in contrast, standard Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) usually contains...

Optimization of Discontinuous Fiber Composites
Discontinuous Random Fiber Reinforced Composites (DRFRC) exhibit different behaviors depending on their microstructural properties. Small fraction of fiber rupture can have a beneficial...

Laboratory Testing of Mechanical Rock Bolts
An analytical solution to a boundary value problem of a clamped cylindrical panel with anti-symmetric angle-ply laminations subjected to transverse loads is presented. Sanders' kinematic...

Structural Characterization of an Articulated-Truss Joint
A first generation space crane articulated-truss joint was statically and dynamically characterized in a configuration which approximated an operational environment. The articulated-truss...

Experimental Study of Underground Exploration by Auger Boring on a Mars Rover
A system study was conducted on the possibility of exploring Mars using a Mars Rover, and particular efforts were focused on the underground exploration of Mars by an auger boring machine....

Mass and Energy Tradeoffs of Axial Penetration Devices on Lunar Soil Simulant
Axial penetration of the lunar surface was performed to collect soil samples with drive tubes and drill cores on the six successful Apollo missions. Although the pile-driving and drill...

Indigenous Planetary Construction Material Through Soil Modification
This paper will discuss the theory of soil modification and its potentials for producing planetary construction materials. The authors will also present the results of prelimnary experriments...





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