Expected Moments Alogrithms for Flood Frequency Analysis
The Expected Moments Algorithm (EMA) is a new but conceptually simple approach for the treatment of nontraditional data in flood frequency analysis. Nontraditional data includes censored...

Central Artery/Tunnel (CA/T) Project Environmental Permitting
The Central Artery/Tunnel Project is one of the largest public infrastructure projects in the United States. As such it poses major environmental planning and design challenges. The environmental...

PCE in Dewatering Flows?A Case Study Risk-Based Clean-Up Action Levels
Up to 70 micrograms per liter (?g/L) of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) was detected in dewatering flows associated with a construction project (Project) in the City of Los Angeles. Because...

Searching for Optimal Combinations of Stormwater Detention Basins
Hydrology of urban areas is dominated by two distinct characteristics: (1) a preponderance of impervious surfaces created primarily by pavement and roofs, and (2) the presence of constructed...

The Treatment Train Detention Concept
With the recent concern for nonpoint source pollution impacts to receiving waters, the Village of Saukville, Wisconsin took advantage of state funding grants to conduct a Stormwater Management...

Effective Subsurface Retention/Detention Systems
Stringent environmental regulations and increasing land values have made finding an effective way to manage storm water runoff a high priority for consulting engineers and land developers....

Calibration of Sediment Transport Model for the Upper End of Elephant Butte Reservoir
Elephant Butte Reservoir is located about 125 miles north of El Paso, Texas on the Rio Grande. The reservoir is approximately 35 miles long with a narrow neck, called the Narrows, about...

Impacts of NAFTA on Environmental Engineering
This paper addresses recent developments in the environmental sector under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) represents a...

Computing Flood Damage Reduction Accomplishment
Following flood events, the damage reduced by a federal flood damage reduction project must be computed to inform the public and assist officials in making decisions. This paper will describe...

Mexican Border Ground Water Agreement
This paper provides a discussion about the challenges in developing a Mexican Botder Ground Water Agreement for the management of shallow ground waters that connect to the surface water...

Artificial Recharge in the Oakes Test Area
The Oakes Test Area (OTA) was developed to evaluate predicted impacts of developing irrigation in the Garrison Diversion Unit in North Dakota. A limited irrigation water supply has forced...

Sanata Ana River Project Environmental Compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
The National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA) was first enacted in. 1969, and became effective as of January 1, 1970. The law was intended to ensure that balanced decision-making occurs...

Local Sponsorship and Floodplain Management
An outline of Local sponsor for SARP and FEMA floodplain revisions....

Cooperative Approaches in Achieving Additional Water Conservation at Prado Dam
The Orange County Water District (OCWD) has successfully negotiated multi party agreements that provide for the use of Prado Basin for water conservation while ensuring protection of the...

Probabilistic Approach for Cancer Risk Assessment
Carcinogenic chemicals have entered ground water systems from surface spills and leaching from subsurface disposal sites. Of particular interest in this study was the contaminant tetrachioroethylene...

Effects of Sewage Effluent Irrigation on Paddy
Paddy, the staple food of South India, occupies about an area of 38 million hectares in India [1, 1987]. Being a semi-aquatic plant, its water requirements are many times more than most...

A Framework for Sanitation and Health Risk Assessment
This paper summarizes some historical, cultural, and operational responses to risk. Zero risk and zero pollution ideas developed as arguably escapist reactions to stresses of economic,...

Risk-Based Planning and Management of Maintenance Dredging
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Institute for Water Resources (IWR) is developing and applying a risk-based approach to address maintenance dredging cost, reliability, and budgetary...

Portable Flumes with Adjustable Throats
Vertically adjustable flumes for canal flow measurements address several problems in field practice. One involves the perception by some canal water users that flumes and weirs always...

Water Quality Modeling of the Rouge River Watershed
A relatively detailed modeling framework for calculating pollution flows and loads to the Rouge River has been developed and tested successfully. The framework includes consideration of...





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