Micro PAT-Synchronous Generator Unit for Isolated Power Supply at Sultan Project Dam
The paper describes a unique application of a micro-PAT Unit installation utilizing downstream release flows for providing an isolated power supply at the Jackson (Sultan) dam in Washington...

Retrofitting Outlet Works of Existing Dams for Hydropower
This paper deals with three small hydroelectric plants installed at existing dams in California with moderately high heads (about 200 feet). In each case there was an overriding need to...

Grand Coulee Pumping/Generating Plant
The paper discusses the Grand Coulee Project history, including a brief review of landmark dates and events. Major general features of the Project are covered, including civil works, mechanical...

Economic factors of Hydro Plants Versus Fossil Plants for Load Frequency Control
The purpose of this study was to determine whether hydro plants with Francis turbines or fossil plants are more economical for load frequency control. Using data from the Tennessee Valley...

Methodology for Optimization of Cascade Small Hydro
An accurate classification of small hydro sites is introduced. Class 'C' small hydro developments utilize favourable topographical and hydraulic gradients along...

Power Value Determinations
Past and current federal methodology and procedures in power value determinations are presented for consideration by Western Area Power Administration (Western), U. S. Department of Energy...

Valuation of System Hydro Additions
The purpose of this paper is to examine the major factors and steps which affect the valuation process of adding hydro power plants to an integrated hydro-thermal generation system. Results...

Economic Evaluation of Alternative Electric Power Developments
A hydroelectric-dominated power system and a thermal-dominated system represent different ways of meeting total electric demand, but with materially different cash flow patterns. This...

Insuring Security Requirements of Power Contracts
Under the fixed, or levelized rate utility contract, utility offers a fixed rate for the life of the contract. In the early years, the rate is in excess of the utility's avoided...

An Overview of the Implementation of PURPA
In November of 1978, Congress enacted a major piece of legislation that started a new direction in how energy resources in this country would be developed in the next decade. The Act,...

Analysis of Hydropower Cost Adjustments in the Southeast
This paper consists of: (1) an analysis of the current cost sharing for hydroelectricity production arrangements for the Federal projects currently classified as those whose electrical...

Solar Ponds for Power and Water Quality Control
The status is provided on a solar pond test project in which the Bureau of Reclamation is involved in a cooperative effort with UTEP (The University of Texas at El Paso), Bruce Foods Corporation,...

Small Kaplan Versus Tubular and Francis Turbines
Mossefossen Power Plant is situated in the centre of the small town Moss in the southern part of Norway. Water flows from an existing dam through a 9 m**2, 175m long tunnel to the powerhouse...

Interchangeable Runners Can Increase Energy Output
Interchangeable turbine runners can be used to increase energy generation at some hydroelectric power sites. Two different turbine runners can be designed for different design heads or...

Electrical Design of Small Hydro Plants
Major aspects of electrical design criteria for small hydro power plants used in co-generation schemes are: turbine control, generator and excitation equipment selection, protection relaying,...

Specification Writing for Small Hydro-Generators
For small hydro projects, it is all too common for the spec writer to use a convenient off-shelf spec usually written for a much larger unit. Minor modifications (primarily ratings) are...

Practical Aspects of Repairing and Rewinding Hydro-Electric Generators
Often the general condition of the winding can be assessed and in some cases, corrective action can be taken to prolong the life of the winding. In other situations, the assessment may...

Performance Consideration for Selecting a Static Excitation System
Many hydropower plants today are being upgraded with new static exciter/regulator systems to replace the old existing rotary exciters. One type of system is the semi-inverting system where...

Planning for Small-Scale Hydroelectric Development: A State Response
A 'surplus' of power in the Pacific Northwest region of the country has brought with it a declining interest in the generation of new electrical energy supplies....

Small Hydro Advocacy
The state public utilities commissions wield enormous power over the destiny of small hydro projects; power extending over rates, contract terms and dispute resolution. Yet developers...





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