A Computer Model for Multiplant Hydroelectric System Simulation
An interactive computer model of a multi-plant hydrothermal electric power generating system has been developed that roughly captures the main features of the British Columbia Hydro system....

Pollutant Removal Efficiency of Detention Basins
A simple method is presented for quick estimates of pollutant removal efficiency of detention basins under dynamic conditions. The method is based on the generalized solutions to the reservoir...

Biological Modeling in the Columbia Basin: An Organized Approach to Dealing with Uncertainty
Development of the Columbia River basin has had a profound impact on its natural resources, particularly species of Pacific Salmon. Passage of the Northwest Power Act of 1980 put in motion...

Managing Snake River Operations for Juvenile Salmon Migration
A simulation model of Snake River hydrology and water management institutions has been developed. The model was used to investigate management changes to enhance flow conditions for migrating...

Hydro Models and Salmon Recovery in the Northwest
Hydro regulation models provide extensive support for analyzing the efficacy of salmon recovery plans in the Northwest. Power planners developed these computer programs to help plan and...

City of Federal Way Panther Lake Surface Water Study?A Case Study of HSPF Modelling in Urban Detention Basins
This paper presents a case study of using Hydrologic Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF) as a tool for sizing large urban detention facilities. The Panther Lake drainage basin is a textbook...

Simulation of Water Quality Processes in the Chicago Waterway and Upper Illinois River Systems
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency QUAL2E-UNCAS (QUAL2EU) computer program was used to simulate the water quality processes in the Chicago waterway and Upper Illinois River Systems....

Geographic Information System Application: Water Right Places of Use as Polygon Attributes
A Geographic Information System (GIS) was tested for potential use as a water resource management tool by application to a ground water study area. Because of the limitations of the particular...

Computerized Data Processing and Geographic Information Systems Applications for Development of a 3-Dimensional Groundwater Flow Model
A 3-dimensional numerical groundwater flow model was developed for a 100 square mile area located in the Santa Clara Valley, California. The model development relied upon data base and...

Using Forecasts to Improve Reservoir Operations
This review considers methodologies that have or can be employed to incorporate streamflow forecasts into reservoir policies and operating decisions. These include the use of streamflow...

The Development and Use of Policy Statements in River Simulation Models
There are a number of ways in which the physical operation of a river system can be expressed in simulation models. Most of the earlier simulation models have incorporated the operating...

Advanced Decision Support Systems for Environmental Simulation Modeling
Some new computer approaches for integrating simulation models into water-quality management and planning are described. A system for integrating models, databases and decision-support...

Object-oriented River System Simulation
This paper describes an object-oriented approach to river basin simulation modeling that is event driven rather than time driven as in most river system simulation models. At the heart...

RSS: A Construction Kit for Visual Programming of River Basin Models
With the ever increasing pressure on environmental resources, there exists strong interest in river basin models which can be used to simulate proposed policy alternatives. Traditionally,...

Development of a Raw Water Master Plan Model to Assist Long Range Drought and Water Conservation Planning for the City of Louisville, Colorado
The City of Louisville, a municipal corporation charged with meeting the water demands of almost 5,000 water accounts and faced with a diminishing supply of available senior water rights...

Application of Computer Support for Water Quality Management
A Computer-Aided Support System for operation of the QUAL2E-UNCAS river water quality model has been developed for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coastal Region....

Graphics User Interface for Water Quality Model Calibration
The UC Davis Water Resources Modeling Group developed a unique Graphical Use Interface (GUI) in the Microsoft Windows environment to facilitate use of the stream mode QUAL2E for the Russian...

Remarks on Computer-Use History in Water Resources
Over the past 50 years, use of electronic computers has radically changed water resources engineering practice. It has enhanced capabilities, reduced costs and improved reliability. It...

Hydrologic Analysis of Leveed Interior Areas
Flood damage reduction projects that include levees or flood walls usually involve special problems associated with isolated interior areas. Storm runoff patterns may be altered and remedial...

Global Approaches for the Nonconvex Optimization of Pipe Networks
Because the pipe network problem is nonconvex, two global search schemes, MULTISTART and ANNEALING, are employed to permit a local optimum seeking method to migrate among various local...





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