Extended Experience with a Short-Term Hydropower Scheduling Model in New England
The New England Power Exchange (NEPEX) is responsible for the central dispatch of power throughout New England. To assure the maximum benefits of power pooling, the electric facilities...

Water Availability and Water Demand Study for the Citanduy River Basin, West and Central Java, Indonesia
This paper will discuss the water availability and water demands in the Citanduy River Basin located in West and Central Java, Indonesia. A program of development of water and other natural...

Are High and Low Flow Habitat Values Really the Same?
The Instream Flow Incremental Methodology calculates physical habitat as a weighted sum. Suitability of use information for each modeled species and life stage are used to weight each...

Hydropower, Water Quality and Waste Discharge
Development of multiple hydroelectric projects on large river systems can result in potential reductions in dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations. Municipalities along the Ohio River basin...

The Changing Alliance Between Navigational and Environmental Interests in the ACF Basin
Structural modifications imposed on the Apalachi-cola River for navigation, their environmental impacts and government actions to address these impacts are reviewed. Past structural modifications...

Highway Construction and a Trout Stream Relocation
In 1970, a ten-mile section of Traffic Route 15 in the northern portion of Lycoming County extending into Tioga County was under design as a two-lane limited access highway on four lane...

System Operating Strategies in Water Rights Modeling and Analysis
The appropriative surface water rights permit structure in Texas has provided the impetus to develop TAMUWRAP, a river basin simulation package that will allow the response of multiple...

Trickle Channel Rehabilitation
Perhaps the primary factor driving the need for trickle channels is urban development. Rural streams in the region display a hydraulic stability and vegetative cover that is resilient...

Development of Storage Demand Relation for Reservoirs?A Probabilistic Approach
This paper presents a practical method for developing storage-demand relation for reservoirs by a probability analysis of the stream flow data. The method was employed by the author for...

Prescriptive Model for Missouri River Reservoir-operation Analysis
The six main-stem reservoirs of the Missouri river system are operated by the Corps of Engineers for flood control, navigation, irrigation, power, water supply, water quality control,...

Modeling of a Large-Scale Water Distribution System
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) imports water from the California State Water Project and the Colorado River, providing for supplemental water demands for six...

The Challenge of Kissimmee River Restoration
Between 1962 and 1971, the Kissimmee River in central Florida was channelized by the Corps of Engineers as part of a flood control project. Channelization has resulted in degradation of...

Usefulness of Low-Cost Watershed Monitoring: A Case Study
A one-year monitoring study was conducted for Harford County, Maryland to identify water quality problems and sources in the 98 mi2 Bush River watershed....

The Potential Fate of Particulate Contaminants from the Rehabilitated Ranger Uranium Mine
In the initial period after rehabilitation of the Ranger Uranium Mine most particulate matter released into Magela Creek will be wash load. 10% of the annual deposits on the backwater...

The OCEA Awards of Merit
Submerged rock weirs help tame the Mississippi River, high head pump storage provides power to a community safely and inexpensively, and the world's largest cantilevered hangar...

Waterfall Aeration Works
When they sought an alternative for instream aeration in Chicago's Calumet Waterway System, engineers at the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC)...

Predicting Sediment Loads
Many reservoirs in the U.S. and internationally have experienced unforeseen storage loss when sediment loads exceed those originally predicted during the design stage. This often results...

Cellular Sheet-Pile Floodwall
Williamson, W. Va., flooded 37 times in this century, will soon be guarded by a $41 million, 4000 ft floodwall being built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. A series of 41 circular...

Sending Steel Down the River
Completed last October 1990, the Roosevelt Lake Bridge is now the longest two-lane, single span, steel-arch bridge in North America, spanning 1,080 ft. Also, the longest steel arch bridge...

River Ice Research in China
Hydraulic research in China has concentrated largely on free surface flows, sediment transport, large hydraulic structures, and hydraulic machinery. River ice research activities are expanding...





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