Communication?A Common Vision
It is imperative that lines of communication remain open between those who represent the 'state of the art' in safety. The common goal of these interrelated disciplines...

Interdisciplinary Communication and Traffic Safety: An Information Systems View
The purpose of this Highway Safety Forum is to find ways to improve communications among professionals in eight disciplines which are involved in the effort to reduce the number and severity...

Engineering with Fabric
Geotextiles are lending their strength to construction projects where conventional methods won't work. At Washington National Airport, an embankment was built into the Potomac...

San Francisco Outfall: The Champ?
The Southwest Ocean Outfall, with an overall length of 23,400 ft and capacity of 450 mgd, will be major element of the Clean Water Program of the City and County of San Francisco. Offshore,...

Current Corps of Engineers Concepts for Roller Compacted Concrete in Dams
Since construction of Willow Creek Dam in 1982, Elk Creek Dam in southwest Oregon is the only Corps of Engineers dam to be constructed using RCC that has passed beyond the planning stage...

Simplified Design and Construction Control for Roller Compacted Concrete
This paper presents a simplified approach to the design and construction quality control of roller compacted concrete (RCC) based on research of previous projects, discussions with experienced...

Construction of Two Spillways Using Roller Compacted Concrete
Roller Compacted Concrete (or RCC) is a relatively new method of construction and in many projects can be a low cost alternate to or foundation for conventional reinforced concrete. The...

Construction of Middle Fork Dam
Recently there has been increased interest in roller compacted concrete (RCC) for use in dams. However, to date there has been very little practical experience in construction. Middle...

Construction of Recent RCD-Concrete Dam Projects in Japan
The Japanese Ministry of Construction has organized a committee which has been promoting research concerning rationalized concrete dam construction. A part of this research is the work...

Upper Stillwater Dam Construction Program
Utilizing both proven and innovative construction techniques, equipment, and design concepts, Tyger Construction Company Inc. , located in Spartanburg, South Carolina, has undertaken the...

Economic Considerations in Selection of a Roller Compacted Concrete Dam
Roller compacted concrete (RCC) has recently emerged as an economically attractive material for gravity dam construction, replacing the use of conventional concrete and even challenging...

USBR Design Considerations for Roller Compacted Concrete Dams
Current Bureau design criteria for concrete dams are based on analytical methods developed and improved over the years, evaluation of construction methods and post construction materials...

Infrastructure for Urban Growth
Papers presented dealt with the financial, legal, political, planning, and engineering issues associated with providing public infrastructure necessary to meet the demands of growth in...

Transportation '85
Abstract only. The abstracts are presented of the papers presented at the 16 Sessions of the Conference, Transportation 85. The papers relate to the following session topics: CAD (ADS,...

Journal of Management in Engineering
The Journal of Management in Engineering offers an avenue for researchers and practitioners to present contemporary issues associated with management and leadership for the civil engineer. The journal...

Underground Building Reclaims a Landfill
Oregon's Multnomah County built a road and maintenance facility underground to begin reclaiming an old landfill site. More than 600 precast concrete components make up the...

Redecking with Precast Keeps Traffic Moving
The Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge in Washington, D.C. could not be closed to traffic while a new deck was constructed. The engineers designed a precast prestressed and post-tensioned...

Engineering for Steel Construction
Engineering for Steel Construction, just published by the American Institute of Steel Construction, limns the latest advances in detailing...

Geotechnical Innovations: Why Seldom Used in Highways?
Ground improvement methods introduced within the past decade to American geotechnical engineers offer cost savings, ease of construction and reduced construction time. Amont these innovations...

Distillery Wastes Treated and Recovered Energy Saves $1 Million/Yr
The waste treatment and energy recovery for the world's largest rum distillery (Bacardi Corp., San Juan, Puerto Rico) uses an aerobic digestion to treat distillery wastes...





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