The Deep-Shaft Process: Bright Future for Treating High-Strength Wastewaters
A Deep-Shaft wastewater treatment process may reduce by 10 to 30 percent the power requirements and land area needed for a plant. The technique is most attractive for treating high-BOD...

Ugly Dump Site Transformed into Recreation Mega-Facility
The civil engineering project selected as the Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement of 1981 is described. While other communities bemoan the use and loss of land to refuse disposal,...

Tampa's Hookers Point AWT Plant Working Well
The Tampa, Florida advanced wastewater treatment plant is designed to remove a high degree of BOD suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorous. Presently, the state has exempted the plant...

Flood Routing Program
This is the fourth article in Civil Engineering�ASCE's computer series. A BASIC language program is presented for routing floods through storage reservoirs or detention basins...

Can Clay Liners Prevent Migration of Toxic Leachate
According to recent research, low permeability clay barriers, used by landfill operators to contain hazardous wastes, can be rendered highly permeable by certain aggressive chemicals including...

Engineers Assess Aquaculture Systems for Wastewater Treatment
The status of aquaculture technologies for wastewater treatment are explored, and an engineering assessment is made of the feasibility for their routine use in municipal wastewater treatment....

The Future of Nuclear Power: A Global View
At ASCE's International Convention in New York City this past May, there was some lively discussion about nuclear waste disposal, the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, the...

If Your City's Well Water Has Chemical Pollutants, Then What�
Synthetic organic chemicals, especially certain solvents, are showing up in groundwater all over the U.S. and in many other industrial countries as well. These substances, some of which...

Rocky Mountain Arsenal: Landmark Case of Groundwater Polluted by Chemicals
For more than 20 years, the Army's Rocky Mountain Arsenal near Denver has been dealing with groundwater pollution caused by chemical warfare agents and pesticides. The arsenal...

EPA Moving to control Industrial Toxic Pollutants with New NPDES Permits
To date, the main thrust of the nation's water pollution control program has been to abate traditional pollutants (biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, and heavy...

Industry Challenges EPA on Whether Certain Wastes are Hazardous or Not
Before the U.S. can clean up its hazardous wastes, it must first decide which wastes are hazardous, which not. The case histories presented here show that this decision is not always easy...

Four Options for Hazardous Waste Disposal
Landfills, land treatment, mine storage, and deep well injection are four options examined as solutions to the hazardous waste disposal problem. Statistics indicate approximately 40 million...

Will EPA'S Nationwide Urban Runoff Study Achieve Useful Results�
Approximately 30 studies are now underway across the United States as part of the Nationwide Urban Runoff program (NURP) to evaluate the water quality significance of stormwater drainage...

New Uses For Soil-Cement
Since 1961, the use of soil-cement in energy and water resource projects has increased from 51,000 yd� to over 9,100,000 yd�. Its primary applications are erosion protection and seepage...

Transportation Innovations that Would Banish America's Energy Crisis
Despite the current oil glut, the energy crisis is still very much with us. Within the next few decades, the U.S. will nearly exhaust economically recoverable petroleum. The key to solving...

EPA's I/A Program Speeds Use of New Wastewater Treatment Methods
Because Congress felt there wasn't enough cost- and energy-saving innovations taking place in the environmental field, it launched the innovative and alternative technologies...

Major Changes Ahead in the Nation's Water Cleanup Program
The federal budget squeeze is about to bring some sweeping changes in the nation's water clean-up program. The federal construction grants program will very likely be phased...

Stopping Water with Chemical Grout
New chemical grouts are now available to repair sewer leaks, control groundwater movement, and stabilize incompetent soils. Some of these grouts came into being only after the American...

Probabilistic Methods in Structural Engineering
Papers are presented from a symposium on the application of probabilistic methods to structural engineering. The first of four sections deals with codes and specifications which are probability...

Design of Water Intake Structures for Fish Protection
This publication presents the results of a study on available technical information on the characteristics of water intake structures designed to eliminate or reduce damage to fish. Biological...





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