Big Organizations: Restructure Them into Small Ones
Engineering firms and agencies grow in two ways: horizontally as the number of specialized support divisions increases, and vertically through new positions in the hierarchy. The traditional...

Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability
Computing in civil engineering has gone through serious adjustments in recent years. With the advent of computer-aided design and drafting systems (CAD) and microcomputers, computing capability...

Experiences with Micros in Project Controls
The experience of one and one-half years of microcomputer use in project controls is related, with the intent of helping the system buyer anticipate useful applications, and suggesting...

Microcomputers for Construction Field Offices
This paper presents an overview of U. S. Army Corps of Engineers experience with using microcomputers for construction management. Construction management applications for contract administration...

Small Computers in Construction: A Case History
The continuously changing modern society has dictated that today's developers and builders respond in new ways to meet new challenges. This paper will evaluate the experiences...

Experience with Small Computers in Construction at North Dakota State University
The Construction Management and Engineering Department at North Dakota State University is assisting the regional contractors in developing the necessary tools to improve management of...

Construction Management Software Requirements
With the rapid improvement in capabilities of microcomputer systems, it is possible to develop software for small computers previously only possible on mini or mainframe computers. This...

Computerized Estimating, What's Right for You
Several good computerized estimating programs exist on the marketplace today. Contractors who avail themselves of good systems can generally realize a very respectable return on their...

Trends in Small Computer Utilization
In an effort to determine the extent to which micro and minicomputers have been successfully implemented by construction contractors, the authors compiled a comprehensive questionnaire...

Automated Control and Robotics for Construction
This paper addresses the potential for automated process control and robotics for remote, large-scale field operations such as those on construction engineering projects. Combining selected...

Managing Overhead in Consulting Engineering Firms
One of the ways an engineering firm can maintain - or increase - profitability is through judicious management of overhead. Yet various industry studies suggest that the typical engineering...

Establishing a Computerized Accounting System in a Consulting Firm
If it has been determined that there is a need for a computer, the next step is to determine the software programming needs. The two distinct options in software are 'packaged'...

Organizational Implications for Financing Constructed Facilities
The ownership arrangements for constructed facilities not only can generate the capital for new facilities but also will influence the management of the construction and operation of these...

Managing Yourself Plus One
Engineers become poor managers because they prefer devoting their time and energies to technical matters rather than those items that deal with management issues. This is true of managing...

Computing in Civil Engineering
A broad spectrum of computer applications in civil engineering is covered in 73 papers presented at the Third Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering. Emphasis is on microcompters...

Characteristics of Indiana Soil Properties
The Indiana Geotechnical Data Bank was established to collect engineering soil data in the state and to provide information for engineering planning and design works. It contains nearly...

Steel Girder Bridge Sets Record Length
The Veterans Memorial Bridge at Ottawa, Ill., is the longest plate girder, stringer type bridge in the country with spans of 385, 510 and 305 ft. Value engineering played an important...

The Search for Engineering Ethics
The author suggests that engineering ethics is not a set of guild rules governing polite behavior; not a matter of obeying the law or being prudent in business; not a viable substitute...

Small Computers in Construction
These proceedings are the result of a symposium sponsored by the Task Committee on the Application of Small Computers in Construction of the Construction Division of ASCE. Nine papers...

Tunnelling in Soil and Rock
The relationship between tunnel design and construction is covered with emphasis on case histories of field measurements and performance. A general report emphasizes the importance of...





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