A Finite-Difference Model for 3-D Flow in Bays and Estuaries
This paper describes a semi-implicit finite-difference model for the numerical solution of three-dimensional flow in bays and estuaries. The model treats the gravity wave and vertical...

Horizontal Gradients in Sigma Transformed Bathymetries with Steep Bottom Slopes
Simulation of free surface flow and transport in areas such as seas, estuaries and river is often based upon three-dimensional modelling systems. Common characteristics of these modelling...

2-D Vertical and 3-D Modelling of Mud Transport in Tidal Flows
Model predictions of a fully three-dimensional sediment transport model are presented for two tidal flow variation cases. A simplified two-dimensional form of the model is applied to demonstrate...

Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling for Transport Studies
Modeling three-dimensional transport of salinity and sediments in estuarine flows requires that hydrodynamics be accurately modeled with sufficient precision to describe the advection...

Mixing Character and Meandering Mechanism of a Plane Jet Bounded in a Shallow Water Layer
A plane jet in a shallow water layer is characterized by the jet width b1/2 much larger than the water depth h at large downstream distances x/h...

Selective Withdrawal for Reducing Turbid Water in a Reservoir
This paper deals with improvemental operations of the selective withdrawal facilities as one of the comprehensive technics for shortening the turbid water stay after floods flown into...

Shifts in Solute Transport Direction Induced by Transient Flow
Traditionally, solute transport projections have focussed on the long-term, steady state conditions expected to prevail in a groundwater system. However, transient effects may often dominate...

A New In-Stream Aerator
Experiments on microporous, polymeric, hollow fiber membranes are being conducted for application to in-stream aeration. The hollow fibers are scaled on one end and connected to an oxygen...

Modeled Hydraulic and Salt Transport Patterns in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Modeled hydraulic and salt transport patterns in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta have been summarized as the basis for detailed environmental assessment of proposed water management projects...

A Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model of a Shallow Estuary: Verification
Many of the hydrodynamic models used for estuary tidal flows and storm surges are based on two two-dimensional hydrodynamic equations which are obtained form the full three-dimensional...

Structure of Coastal Upwelling on a Sloping Bottom
A large eddy simulation of coastal upwelling on a sloping bottom is carried out. The structure of the upwelling consists of a persistent primary front, a temporary secondary front which...

Field Examination of a Distribution System Water Quality Model
In the aftermath of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) of 1974, numerous models have been established to assess the quality of water and simulate its deterioration in distribution systems....

The Courant Number and Unsteady Flow Computation
The Courant number C, the key to unsteady flow computation, is a ratio of physical wave velocity, ?, to computational signal-transmission velocity, ?, i.e., C = ?/?. In this way, it uniquely...

River Engineering Flows and Some Related Structures (State of the Art)
The first part of the paper deals with a simplified overall review of water flows. Laminar versus turbulent, visualization of flow with unsteady 3-D manner and some typical hydraulic structures...

The EUR Water Station in Rome?Italy
The paper deals the new steel Water Centre realized by ACEA in Rome. The Water Station is destined to manage the water consumption of around 500,000 inhabitants with an output of 3,900...

A Culvert Analysis Program for Indirect Measurement of Discharge
A program based on the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) methods for indirectly computing peak discharges through culverts allows users to employ input data formats used by the water surface...

Sediment and Water Quality Control Devices in Small Watersheds
The physical behavior and health of an alluvial stream depends on the extent of man's interferences in its tributary areas. In its natural setting a stream provides three main functions...

Vortex Spillway: Test Study on a Hydraulic Model
The paper deals with an experimental study on a model of the forced vortex of Eur hanging reservoir realized by ACEA (Rome). Some vortex characteristics are investigated and, in particularly,...

Evaluation of Historical Scour at Selected Stream Crossings in Indiana
Geophysical data were collected by means of ground-penetrating radar and tuned transducer systems to estimate the historical scour at ten bridges in Indiana. These geophysical data were...

Bridge Scour Evaluations in Washington State
Eighteen existing bridges were investigated for Washington State DOT as part of the FHWA National Scour Evaluation Program. Investigations included review of file information, site inspection,...





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