Settlements of Highway Embankments on Soft Lacustrine Deposits
This paper presents the settlement study that was conducted in conjunction with the major freeway expansion project planned through Salt Lake City in which existing embankments will be...

Settlement of a 15-Meter Deep Fill Below a Building
The site for a building in western Pennsylvania was undermined, with the mine base about 15 m below planned final grade. Rock above the mine was highly fractured and of poor quality, indicating...

A Case History of Settlement of an Embankment on Lagoonal Deposits Influenced by Artesian Conditions
A geotechnical engineering investigation was performed for the Pearl Kai Center, a shopping center in the Pearl Harbor area of the island of Oahu, Hawaii. The proposed commercial development...

Settlement Analysis of Landfill Liners over Deep Mined Areas
Tensile strains due to differential settlement from past mining activities were evaluated for a landfill liner. The landfill cell encompasses 20 acres and is located on a subsurface profile...

Settlement Evaluation for Cap Closure Performance
Predicting short and long-term performance of a landfill cap system is a difficult task considering the generally unknown nature of the waste and magnitude and variation of settlement...

Preloading Organic Soils to Limit Future Settlements
This paper presents the authors' experience in preloading organic soils in south Florida to allow the construction of roadways, utilities, and low-rise residential structures on shallow...

Blast Densification of a Thick, Loose Debris Flow at Mt. St. Helen's., Washington
Numerous debris flows occurred during the 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helen's in Washington State. The proposed location of Bridge 12 over Coldwater Creek along State Route 504 is underlain...

Performance of Oil Storage Tanks on Vibroflotation Improved Hydraulic Fill in the Port of Tampa, Florida
The paper describes a case history of design, construction and performance monitoring of two 80,000 barrel oil storage tank foundations 35 meters in diameter on a soft hydraulic fill soil...

Settlement Predictions at a Florida Port Facility
A paved container storage area approximately four acres in size has been constructed at the existing Port of Fernandina in Fernandina Beach, Florida. Approximately one-half of the site...

Soil-Structure Interaction During Mining Induced Ground Movements
Mining induced subsidence can result in significant ground deformation, which is generally non-uniform. Although this deformation occurs slowly with small inertial forces, it often results...

Down Drag on Friction Piles: A Case History
The down drag settlements experienced by the foundation of a supermarket constructed in 1972 in Gretna-New Orleans, Louisiana are presented. Two different lengths of piles (12.2 m and...

Measured Downdrag on Seven Coated and Uncoated Piles in New Orleans
A site outside of New Orleans, Louisiana was selected as part of a research effort to study the phenomenon of downdrag on bitumen-coated piles. Two steel pipe piles, two timber piles,...

Comparison of Settlement Predictions for Single Piles in Sand Based on Penetration Test Results
The analysis of settlement for driven piles in cohesionless soils is a complex soil structure interaction problem. The total settlement for such a pile is generally considered to be the...

Settlement of Deep Compacted Fills in California
Measured settlement of deep compacted engineered fills from a single site were summarized and compared to data from other sites. The data indicate that the rate and magnitude of movement...

Settlement Measurements of 50-ft High Embankments at the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal Bridge
This is a case history of instrumented settlement measurements on 49 to 56' (15-17 m) high bridge approach embankments of Delaware State Route 1 crossing of the Chesapeake & Delaware...

Comparison of Predicted and Measured Settlement of a Test Embankment Over Soft Soil
A test embankment was instrumented with six (6) settlement plates, three (3) vertical extensometers, two (2) inclinometers, and two (2) horizontal profilers in order to verify settlement...

Compaction Grouting Stops Settlement of an Operating Water Treatment Plant
In early 1978, about a month into full-time operation, the new filter plant building for the water treatment plant for the City of Glenwood Springs, Colorado, experienced distress due...

Performance of Wick Drains Installed by Vibration
Settlement and piezometer data from construction of fills on Route I-291 in South Windsor, CT is analyzed for total settlement and coefficient of consolidation. The results are compared...

Soil Improvement to Mitigate Settlements under Existing Structures
Settlements of sites with existing structures are more difficult to mitigate than those of sites without structures. Equipment access, work area, noise, dust, vibrations, and cost are...

Management of Dredged Material Placement Operations
Non-linear finite strain consolidation theory is used to predict the settlement of fine-grained dredged material due to self-weight and surcharge-induced consolidation. Finite strain consolidation...





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