Turbulence Modelling of Suspended Sediment in the Surf Zone
A computational model is developed for the prediction of the wave period averaged turbulence structure under a breaking wave. The principal forcing function for the model is the generation...

Effects of Fluid Accelerations on Sediment Transport in Surf Zones
Two hydraulic model tests were run in a wave flume using irregular waves to obtain detailed data on the cross-shore variations of the pressure gradient on a 1:20 smooth, impermeable slope....

Cross-Shore Sediment Transport Modelling and Comparison with Tests at Prototype Scale
A series of prototype scale laboratory experiments have been performed at the Large Wave Channel (GWK) in Hanover to investigate the process of sediment transport over a horizontal bed...

Shoreface Connected Ridges Along the Dutch Coast
Quasi-synoptic current measurements were obtained across the Dutch shoreface connected ridges using an acoustic Doppler current profiler. The measurements are used to evaluate the role...

Modelling of Cross-Shore Transport
The validity of cross-shore sediment transport modelling in terms of time-averaged velocities and concentrations has been investigated....

Simulation of Bedload Transport of Marine Gravel
Using combined current meter and acoustic measurements, detailed concurrent time series of instantaneous bedload transport rates and flow turbulence have been obtained. The duration, interval...

Bedload Transport Measurement by Imaging of Tracers
A dyed-sand tracer technique is developed for investigation of bedload under laboratory oscillatory flows. Imaging of the tracer with high speed photography allows the creation of time...

Bedload Transport Under Low Frequency Waves
The concept of a bedload spectrum, showing the distribution of energy with frequency in the bedload process, is proposed. The bedload process is thus analysed in the frequency rather than...

The Effect of Beach Slope on Oscillatory Flow Bedload Transport
The data for five laboratory sloping bed bedload sediment transport experiments are presented. Each consists of a series of half cycle transport rate measurements using the same waveform...

The Oceanside Experimental Sand Bypass?The Next Step
Following the completion and successful operation of the first phase of the Oceanside Sand Bypass, the next step in the development of the experiment has begun. The Phase I plant is not...

Computer Simulation Modeling of Ebb-Tidal Deltas
An ebb-tidal delta simulation model has been developed incorporating gross features of delta and channel morphologies which can be measured from vertical aerial photographs. Delta and...

Thoughts on Large Scale Coastal Behavior
Large scale coastal behaviour (LSCB) deals with the development of coastal profiles and sediment budgets of a large coastal stretch (order tens of km's) over a considerable...

Dredge Spoil and Inner Shelf Investigations off Tauranga Harbour, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Dispersion of dredge spoil from an inner shelf dump-mound in 11-17 m water depth, 3 km offshore from Tauranga Harbour, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, was investigated as part of environmental...

Higher Frequency Acoustic Measurements of Coarse Bedload Transport
Although sensors have been developed which provide high temporal resolution for the measurement of wave profiles, flow fields and suspended sediment concentrations within the coastal system,...

Standing Wave Measurements of Bedload Thickness: Feasibility in an Air System with Model Sediment
A novel technique would yield information about bedload thickness from measurements of a standing wave pattern produced by a sound source insonifying the bottom at normal incidence. The...

Navy Targets Effective Infiltration/Inflow Elimination
The Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), Chesapeake Division, retained the services of RJN Environmental Associates, Inc. to perform a Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey (SSES)....

Constructed Wetlands at Mesquite, Nevada
Subsurface flow (SF) wetlands are used to provide effluent polishing following treatment in an aerated lagoon at Mesquite, Nevada. General SF wetland design methodology is discussed in...

Influence of Hydrodynamics on Biofilm Accumulation
The influence of hydrodynamics on biofilm thickness was investigated under laminar and turbulent flow conditions. The maximum biofilm thickness was found within the transition region between...

Economic Evaluation of Minimum Flow at Rockton
The Rockton Hydroelectric Project is a two-unit, 1,100 kW plant operated by South Beloit Water, Gas & Electric Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Wisconsin Power & Light...

Improving the Assessment of Instream Flow Needs for Fish Populations
Instream flow requirements are one of the most frequent and most costly environmental issues that must be addressed in developing hydroelectric projects. Existing assessment methods for...





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