Environmental Aspects and Compliance Costs of Hydropower Regulation
Recent experiences by American Electric Power with respect to mitigation at hydroelectric project sites on the upper Ohio River indicate that compliance with environmental regulations...

Brule Project Spillway Rehabilitation and Expansion
Brule Hydroelectric Project is located near Florence, Wisconsin, on the Brule River about 1.5 miles upstream of its confluence with the Michigamme River. The 80 year old dam developes...

Acid Mine Drainage: An Overview
In the United States, acid mine water adversely affects over 6,500 km (4,000 miles) of rivers and streams. This is, however, a significant improvement over the situation two decades ago....

Ash Disposal at Coal Creek Station
This paper outlines the effort of two utilities to minimize the impact of an 1100 megawatt lignite fired plant's waste stream on the environment. Current regulations, poor...

Vine Street Reborn
Following decades of controversy and a four-year construction effort that threatened to drive both engineers and local motorists crazy, Philadelphia's Vine Street reopened...

Dallas' Flood Caverns
Dallas' North Central Expressway floods during heavy rains, but the dense development that helps create excessive runoff also precludes large detention ponds. The high-quality,...

Formic Acid Requirement for Savannah River Site Defense Waste Processing Facility Melter Feed Preparation (U)
The Westinghouse Savannah River Company (WSRC) will vitrify the high-level radioactive waste into a borosilicate glass wasteform using a slurry-fed, joule-heated melter. Formic acid is...

Removal of Dissolved and Suspended Radionuclides from HWVP Liquid Wastes
It was determined during Preliminary Design of the Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant that certain intermediate process liquid waste streams should be decontaminated in a way that would...

Geographic Engineering Management System
The Memphis District Engineering Division is developing a GIS type data base as part of a Geographic Engineering Management System (GEMS) to assist both the District and the Lower Mississippi...

Integration of SCADA and GIS Technologies in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana
Due to its physiographic setting in the delta region of the Mississippi River, a majority of the inhabited lands in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana are below local mean sea level and much...

Use of Computers in the Management of Pecos River Compact
The Pecos River Compact between New Mexico and Texas did not define clearly what New Mexico's delivery obligation was. After a 14-year long litigation in the U.S. Supreme...

Can Negotiations Succeed? The Platte River Case
A study of the processes by which water is allocated in the Platte River system affords an excellent opportunity for studying decision-making processes. The case is not one where only...

Spreadsheet Model Development for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin
In the beginning, water resources personnel scratched out their estimates of how different reservoir operations or system configurations would affect a river using pencil and paper. Many...

Estimating Power Plant Cooling Water Demand
The Fayette Power Project (FPP) includes three generation units, with more than 1,500 megawatts of generating capacity, supplying electricity to more than a million Central Texans. The...

Field Measurement of Surface Flows in Shallow Estuaries
This paper summarizes our first-year results of an ongoing multi-discipline project, which examines the physical processes of wetlands erosion and loss in coastal Louisiana. Our task is...

Mississippi River Diversions for Marsh Creation
Large scale, uncontrolled sediment diversions from the Mississippi River are proposed by the Corps of Engineers as a means of creating new marsh and reducing the loss of wetlands. These...

Freshwater Diversions from the Mississippi River to Wetlands in Southeast Louisiana
Wetlands in the United States are disappearing at a rapid rate due to a variety of manmade and natural causes. In southeast Louisiana, freshwater diversions from the Mississippi River...

Allocation of Pecos River Basin Water Between New Mexico and Texas
An interstate compact was signed in 1948 between the States of New Mexico and Texas for the allocation of water of the Pecos River Basin which was approved by the Congress of the United...

Allocating Chattahoochee River Water Rights
Recent proposals to reallocate Chattahoochee River waters to provide water supply for Atlanta, Georgia have caused great concern to downstream users in Alabama, Florida and Georgia. A...

A Decision Support System for Dredging the Lower Mississippi River
The paper describes a decision support system proposed to aid short-term scheduling of maintenance dredging activities on the lower Mississippi River for the New Orleans District of the...





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