Retrofitting Fossil Plant Facilities Structural Perspectives
This publication, Retrofitting Fossil Plant Facilities: Structural Perspectives, was prepared by the Retrofit Task Committee of the Fossil Power Committee of the American Society of Civil...

Seattle's Good Neighbor Policy
The West Point wastewater treatment plant in Seattle sits on a spit of land jutting into Puget Sound. Close by is Discovery Park, a haven for nature lovers, located on a bluff above the...

Man and Huge System Interaction
In many cases of disaster, the causes of failure of huge systems are frequently attributed to human error. However human is liable to error. To exclude human factor from a huge system...

Valve Control to Avoid Column Separation in a Pipe
Maximum pressures in a pipeline can be reduced significantly by closing the valve in an optimal manner. Such an optimal valve closure policy may result in some situations in minimum pressures...

Anchorage Sewer Rehabilitation in Campbell Lake
This paper discusses the proposed rehabilitation/replacement of the Campbell Lake portion of the Campbell Creek C-5 Trunk Sewer (C-5 Trunk) located in Anchorage, Alaska. The original corrugated...

Museum Showcases the Future
On May 4 in Philadelphia, the Franklin Institute's new wing, called the Futures Center, will open to the public. When the institute's neoclassic main buiding...

Role of Underground Testing to Determine Suitability of Yucca Mountain as a Potential Repository Site
A brief description of the Exploratory Shaft based site characterization testing program for the Department of Energy's (DOE) Yucca Mountain Project of the permanent disposal...

Public Involvement: Keystone to Public Confidence in the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program
The barriers to public confidence in the safety of high level radioactive waste facilities can only be overcome by encouraging meaningful participation by the public in the decisionmaking...

Public Involvement in Radioactive Waste Decisions: What is Participation? What is Communication?
This paper examines differing interpretations of the concepts participation and communication and their implications for practice. The purpose is to reflect on some of the factors that...

Public Communication and Participation Activities in Siting Controversial Facilities in the United States and Western Europe: An Examination of Lessons Learned
The authors of this paper conducted a comprehensive review of literature discussing the siting of controversial facilities in the United States and Western Europe in order to identify...

Public Concerns of Nuclear Waste Issues in Taiwan
Opinions and comments from randomly selected 1837 general public and 454 professionals are compiled and analyzed to obtain their concerns on nuclear waste issues in Taiwan. Results indicate...

U.S. Department of Energy Motor Carrier Evaluation Program
The U.S. Department of Energy-Headquarters (DOE-HQ), Transportation Management Division (TMD) has the overall responsibility to provide a well-managed transportation program for the safe,...

Initiating Event Identification and Screening for Nuclear Waste Repository Preclosure Risk Assessment
This paper describes a method to identify potential initiating events that might occur during the preclosure phase at a nuclear waste repository proposed for the Yucca Mountain area of...

Social Realities in High-Level Radioactive Waste Management and Their Policy Implication
The management of high-level radioactive waste involves a number of enduring social realities that have posed major obstables to timely progress. These realities include: the deep-seated...

Implementation of NUREG 1318 Guidance Within the Yucca Mountain Project
The U. S. Department of Energy's Yucca Mountain Project is implementing a quality assurance program that fulfills the requirements of the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission...

Transportation Legend, Fact and Hysteria or, How to Dismantle a Mature Industry
In the rush to 'correct' the perceived deficiencies in the regulations covering the transportation of radioactive materials, many people, from legislators to...

Yucca Mountain Project Public Interactions
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is committed to keeping the citizens of Nevada informed about activities that relate to the high-level nuclear waste repository program. This paper...

Two Citizen Task Forces and the Challenge of the Evolving Nuclear Waste Siting Process
Siting any nuclear waste facility is problematic in today's climate of distrust toward nuclear agencies and fear of nuclear waste. This study compares and contrasts the siting...

The Public Consultation Program on Nuclear Fuel Waste Management in Canada
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited has conducted a public consultation program (PCP) with public interest groups broadly representative of Canadian society to identify the issues of public...

Public Attitudes Toward a High-Level Nuclear Repository: Implications on the Prospects of Successful Siting
Recent legislation enacted by the State of Nevada makes it illegal to store high-level nuclear waste (HLNW) within state, posing a serious threat to the federal government's...





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