Calculation of Runoff from Rainfall Using NURP Data
Peak runoff flows and flood hydrographs are important elements in the design of drainage and flood-protection structures. The validity of methods for predicting peak flow from rainfall...

Pile Driving: Can it Cause Slope Movement?
The potential for slope movement from pile driving is examined in this paper. Published information is reviewed to identify the primary causes of movement, which are 1) displacement of...

Honolulu Harbor Ship Traffic Simulation and Animation Study
A computer simulation and animation study was conducted to investigate the operational impacts of projected ship traffic increases and harbor reconfiguration specified in the Honolulu...

Estimating Urban and Suburban Sewage Flows with Assistance of GIS Technology
The Massachusetts Water Resource Authority (MWRA), an agency created by the Massachusetts legislature to provide wholesale water and sewer services to the metropolitan Boston areea, is...

Development of the San Fernando Basin Groundwater Flow Model
This paper describes the development and calibration of the San Fernando Basin (SFB) groundwater flow model. The SFB is the largest groundwater basin in the Upper Los Angeles River Area...

Optimization Model for Operation of Recharge Basins
A mathematical model is developed for the optimal operation of recharge basins, which is a non-linear optimization problem. The objective of the model is to determine the operation that...

Habitat Simulation in United States, Britain, and France
The need to identify an instream flow requirement for water resources management exists in a number of countries. The use of habitat simulation in the United States, Great Britain, and...

Are High and Low Flow Habitat Values Really the Same?
The Instream Flow Incremental Methodology calculates physical habitat as a weighted sum. Suitability of use information for each modeled species and life stage are used to weight each...

Three Dimensional Modeling of Watershed Hydrology
A three dimensional finite element numerical model is developed for the first order watershed hydrology using 8-noded isoparametric brick elements. The 3-D subsurface flow in a hillslope...

Indicator Variography for Spatial Characterization of Aquifer Heterogeneities
The qualitative information or soft data from lithologic descriptions is processed using a state-of-the-art geostatistical approach to delineate, with quantified uncertainty, the extent...

Development of Storage Demand Relation for Reservoirs?A Probabilistic Approach
This paper presents a practical method for developing storage-demand relation for reservoirs by a probability analysis of the stream flow data. The method was employed by the author for...

A Storm Water Utility Case Study, Salt Lake City, Utah
In response to financial pressure on the City's general fund and the EPA's storm water regulations, Salt Lake City went through the process of developing and implementing a storm water...

A TVD MacCormack Method for Open Water Hydraulics and Transport

The Desalination Situation
Rapid growth is putting increasing pressure on water supplies in coastal communities. Conservation can only do so much, and providing new freshwater supplies is getting more expensive...

Corrosion Fatigue of Deepwater Offshore Materials
Evaluation of the fatigue life of offshore structures operating in depths of up to 10,000 feet (3,048 m) requires knowledge of the combined effect of axial and hydrostatic loading on the...

A Fourier Series Solution to Bottom Roughness Induced Stresses During Pipe Laying
Often during installation, a subsea pipeline must be laid along seabed portions with rough profiles. The pipeline is forced by the bottom irregularities to bridge across consecutive protuberances....

Electrokinetic Cleanups
Electrokinetic remediation of contaminated soils is a relatively new research area. Electrokinetic phenomena can be used to create barriers, and move particles, including pollutants such...

Pressure Pipeline Design for Water and Wastewater
This committee report, Pressure Pipeline Design for Water and Wastewater, is a revision of the 1975 ASCE publication Pipeline...

A Laboratory Study of Shock Waves in Frozen Soil
This work has focused on two aspects of dynamic behavior of frozen soil: first, on the shock pressure attenuation, and second, on the shock Hugoniot. The use of long bars of frozen soil...

Ice Jam Configuration: Second Generation Model
An early model of ice jam configuration in wide, prismatic channels is generalized for applications to natural streams. Test runs are carried out to illustrate model performance and study...





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