Getting the Lead Out
When officials from Omaha, Neb. announced an ambitious plan to revitalize an abandoned stretch of land along the Missouri River, the land itself presented one of the biggest problems....

Ground Water: How Contaminated?
It is common knowledge that ground waters, like surface waters, are endangered by pollution from a variety of human activities. Commonsense approaches to the problem are overshadowed by...

Aquifer Restoration: Which Method?
Ground-water contamination is an increasing problem, especially in large urban areas. Toxics that seep into water supplies threaten the health of the community and it's difficult...

Management of a Groundwater Basin Using an Integrated Numerical Model and a Geographic Information System
This paper describes the development and application of an integrated three-dimensional groundwater model and geographic information system (GIS) to the management of the San Fernando...

Spills on the Great Lakes a Cause for Concern?The Need for Action to Prevent Them
The present form of water transport of toxic chemicals on the Great Lakes, using inappropriate and obsolete forms of navigation control systems, presents the people and the ecosystem with...

Environmental Assessment of Lake Maggiore, St. Petersburg, Florida
Lake Maggiore is a shallow 385 acre (156 ha) hypereutrophic lake located in St. Petersburg, Florida. The lake's watershed contains a variety of urban land use types that have...

Water Supply Impact Analysis of Proposed Water Quality Control Plan for Salinity for San Francisco Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary
This paper presents the procedures and techniques employed as part of the Bay-Delta proceedings to evaluate the water supply impacts of various proposed flow and water quality objectives...

Santa Clara Valley Nonpoint Source Program, Santa Clara County, CA
A Water Quality Basin Plan prepared for the region in 1986 by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) promulgated regulations to control inputs of pollutants to South San Francisco...

The Engineering of Mathematical Models
This paper presents the history of the development of a mathematical estuary hydraulic and an ecology based water quality model, and the problems encountered in transferring use to the...

Forthcoming ASCE/WPCF Manual of Practice
The forthcoming ASCE/WPCF Manual of Practice for the Design and Construction of Urban Stormwater Management Systems includes, as Chapter 1, a derivation of the following text. This chapter...

Summary of Stormwater Quality Management Practices
The control of water quality in urban runoff is in its technical infancy. Never-the-less Water Quality Act of 1987 states that stormwater pollution must be reduced to the maximum extent...

Environmental Restoration Project in Poland
Swedish-Polish project aiming at integrated environmental restoration of an degraded area in southern Poland is described. The project aims to demonstrate that an integrated approach,...

CSO Pollution Abatement Project Performance
The City of Trenton, NJ combined sewer overflow (CSO) pollution abatement project has been in operation for more than four years. Daily records include composite BOD5...

Mission Bay Park, San Diego Sewage Interceptor System
Mission Bay Park is a major aquatic facility located in, and operated by, the City of San Diego. In response to sewer related pollution problems, the City of San Diego has embarked on...

Implementing Sacramento's NPDES Stormwater Permit
Between 1987 and 1990, EPA established the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit application requirements and deadlines for stormwater discharges. During this...

Development of a Prioritization Tool for Multimedia Enforcement
This paper describes a decision support system developed for the Environmental Protection Agency that assists their staff in the prioritization of resources for the enforcement of multi-media...

Pilot Drywell Study Pierce County, Washington
Subsurface disposal of stormwater runoff is widely utilized in areas with permeable or porous soils, including the Clover/Chambers Creek (CCC) Basin in central Pierce County, Washington....

Hydrologic Modeling for Decision-Makers
All Properties within a community benefit from having an adequate system of storm drainage facilities and controls. Such benefits include: reduction of hazards to property and life resulting...

The Hydrology of Urban Runoff Quality Management
Recent regulatory requirements to reduce pollutant discharges from municipal storm sewer systems have intensified the need for approaches to developing design parameters, such as the selection...

A Storm Water Management Model for Grand Rapids, Michigan
In 1989, the City of Grand Rapids, Michigan, engaged Black & Veatch to conduct a comprehensive study of its combined sewer system with two primary objectives: (1) to relieve basement...





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