Scale Dependence of Effective Media Properties
For problems where media properties are measured at one scale and applied at another, scaling laws or models must be used in order to define effective properties at the scale of interest....

Effect of Interconnection of Fractures on Dispersion in Flow Through Fractured Networks
A stochastic modeling technique in a 2-D discrete fracture network with two orthogonal sets of fractures is developed to investigate mass transport dispersion and to investigate the relation...

Modeling Storage Behavior in a Fractured Rock Mass
To represent single bore hole injection tests in fractured rock masses, a transient model has been implemented, based on a three dimensional stochastic description of the fracture network....

Connectivity and the Continuum Approximation in Fracture Flow Modeling
The continuum assumption is frequently made when modeling flow in fractured media. The approach presented in this paper helps evaluating the validity of such an assumption. Two indices...

Automatic Calibration of 3D Finite Differences Model Parameters? Application to the Finnsjon Site (Sweden)
Calibration of 3D finite difference model parameters is usually carried out using a noon-automatic 'manual' procedure until observed heads, for instance, are simulated with a sufficient...

Channel Network Models for Solute Migration and Dispersal
We introduce a class of channel-network models for solute migration and dispersal in saturated rock. In discussing the behaviour of any dispersive process it is necessary to compare and...

An Object Oriented Relational Database for Assessing Radioactive Material Transport
EnviroView is an object oriented relational database used for inventory control and monitoring locations of radioactive and toxic materials. Visual images of local sites, building locations,...

Characterizing the Hydrogeologic Framework of the Death Valley Region, Southern Nevada and California
Three-dimensional (3-D) hydrogeologic modeling of the complex geology of the Death Valley region requires the application of a number of Geoscientific Information System (GSIS) techniques....

The Effect of Certain Assumptions on the Number and Type of Spent Fuel Casks Required 1998-2000
The Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management M&O contractor is determining the number of spent fuel transportation cask systems required to transport fuel from reactors...

Application of Discrete Event Simulation to MRS Design
The application of discrete event simulation to the Monitored, Retrievable Storage (MRS) material handling operations supported the MRS conceptual design effort and established a set of...

Reliability Modeling of an Engineered Barrier System
The Weibull distribution is widely used in reliability literature as a distribution of time to failure, as it allows for both increasing failure rate (IFR) and decreasing failure rate...

Optimizing Human Reliability: Mock-Up and Simulation Techniques in Waste Management
This presentation describes an ongoing effort to incorporate human factors principles into the design and process development for waste management programs at a nuclear weapons plant....

Recent Developments in Stochastic Modeling and Upscaling of Hydrologic Properties in Tuff
A set of detailed geostatistical simulations of porosity has been produced for a layered stratigraphic sequence of welded and non-welded volcanic tuffs at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The simulations...

Modeling Adsorption of Mixtures of Radionuclides by Zeolitized Tuff
Multi-solute sorption isotherms were measured using 'nonscents', a zeolitized volcanic tuff material from Southeast Arizona. Isotherms for the three constituent binaries, Sr-Co, Cs-Sr...

Subsurface Transport of Radioactive Material Using Adaptive Finite Elements
A finite element method which utilizes mesh adaptation is used to calculate transient groundwater flow and pollutant transport. Mass lumping and reduced integration are employed to enhance...

Modeling of Saturated Zone at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
This paper presents preliminary results of groundwater modeling of the saturated zone in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain. The analysis used both a regional (approximately 250 ? 250 km)...

Integrated Test Evaluation Decision Framework for the Yucca Mountain Project
An Integrated Test Evaluation decision framework and computer model were developed to help prioritize site-characterization tests at Yucca Mountain. An initial application of the framework...

Factors Affecting Performance of Vitrified Wasteforms
The acceptability and usefulness of mathematical models for predicting the performance of vitrified wasteforms can be enhanced by their validation using laboratory data generated under...

Thermal-Hydraulic Analyses of Molten Glass in a Joule-Heated Melter
Physical modelling using glycerine and three-dimensional mathematical modelling were executed to study temperature and flow profiles of molten glass in the melter for the vitrification...

A Numerical Analysis of Spent Nuclear Fuel Thermal Characteristics
A numerical analysis is presented comparing the thermal behavior of a spent boiling water reactor fuel pin and an electric heating element intended to simulate the fuel pin in an experimental...





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