A Preliminary Study on the Comprehensive Exploitation of Coast Zone Resources in the Southern Fujian
The Pacific tidal wave intrudes the South China Sea through the Bass Strait and travels northward as an 'upgoing wave' to Taiwan Strait affecting the Southern...

Quantifying Florida's Coastal Storm Wave Susceptibility
A simple computer model capable of describing potential storm wave inundation and damage along Florida's sandy beaches is described from first principles. Model STORMWAVE...

Measurement and Use of Shear Wave Velocity for Evaluating Dynamic Soil Properties
Geotechnical engineers have recognized in the past decade that shear wave velocity is a basic soil property and have begun to use it to characterize sites for many uses. Most notable has...

Floating Bridge for 100 Year Storm
In 1979 the west half of the Hood Canal Floating Bridge, built in 1960, in Seattle broke up and sank during a storm that lasted eight hours with winds of 80 mph and gusts over 100 mph....

Designing for Residual Flooding
Flood control projects should incorporate designs and responses for flooding of the protected areas due to exceedance, overtopping, or failure of the features. Design strategies for levees,...

Open Channel Flowrate Measurement Using Multipath Acoustic Flowmeters
Recent acoustic flowmeter developments have improved the applicability and accuracy of the multipath acoustic measurement technique. Accuracy, hardware cost and calibration cost can be...

Numerical Models for Two-Dimensional Surface Runoff
Numerical models for surface runoff in watersheds having two-dimensional or horizontally varying topography are presented. Two finite element methodologies, a standard Galerkin and a streamline...

Response of Floating Structures in a Directional Sea
A finite element numerical model is presented to predict the behavior of long floating structures in a multi-directional sea. A follow up numerical model analyzes an important but mostly...

Embankment Overtopping Tests to Evaluate Damage
The paper reports on studies of embankments 6 ft high, 10 to 22 ft in crest width, and 3 ft in length, with slope varying from 2:1 to 4:1. Embankment surfaces include pavement, grass,...

Overtopping of Small Dams?An Alternative for Dam Safety
A research effort was initiated in 1983 by the Bureau of Reclamation to gain insight in the development of cost-effective modifications to small embankment dams which would enable them...

Planned Overtopping of Embankments Using Roller Compacted Concrete
Three recent projects are discussed where the economy and versatility of roller compacted concrete (RCC) were utilized to allow flood water overtopping of small to medium size embankment...

Embankment Overtopping
Embankment overtopping and dam safety are major concerns of civil engineering and the general public. Very little is known about overtopping events and much less has been published or...

Tidal Modelling on IBM Microcomputers
The finite element code, QUIET, for the simulation of two-dimensional shallow water flow has been adapted from its mainframe form for use on the IBM PC, PC/XT, or AT. The model uses of...

The Matched Artificial Dispersivity Method
The paper presents a class of models that are well-suited for microcomputing and that are based on what may be called the 'Matched Aritifical Dispersivity' method....

Explicit Finite Element Model for Long Water Waves
An explicit finite element model for free-surface flow is presented. The model is capable of simulating long waves of various orders of approximation in one and two space dimensions. The...

Analysis of Resonance in Pressurized Piping Systems Via a Microcomputer
In this paper a digital simulation technique for the analysis of resonance is presented that is appropriate for microcomputer applications. The model utilizes the transfer matrix method...

Flood Peak Program for Urbanizing Semi-Arid Areas
This paper describes a microcomputer program for flood peak determination based on a highly modified version of the Rational method developed by M. E. Zeller, which employs the Soil Conservation...

A Microcomputer Dispersivity Evaluation Method for Thick Aquifers
The Littoral Environment Observation (LEO) program uses volunteer observers recruited to obtain daily visual observations of such coastal variables as breaker height, wave period, direction...

Aspects of Constant Volume Cyclic Simple Shear
Data from cyclic simple shear tests comprise the foundation on which rests most of the practical applications of theoretical soil dynamics. The importance of the test derived from two...

Shear Moduli Measurements under True Triaxial Stresses
The effect of state of stress on the shear wave velocity and shear modulus of a dry sand was examined. Testing was performed in a large-scale triaxial device in which cubic soil samples...





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