Hale Cycle and Indian Drought and Flood Area Indices
The Indian Drought (DAI) and flood (FAI) area indices have been argued to be related to the hale cycle of sunspot number by H. N. Bhalme and D. A. Mooley. They studied the dependence between...

Laboratory Model Studies of Flood Wave Propagation
Laboratory investigations of unsteady free-surface flow with various combinations of channel and flood conditions were performed. A 72 ft (21. 9 m) long tilting flume was modified to make...

Water Issues in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Australia
The Northern Territory and State of Queensland cover an area of 3. 1 million km**2 and encompass most of the tropical and sub-tropical zones of Australia. Surface and groundwater resources...

Droughts and Floods Related to Solar Sunspot Cycles
In the late 1920s research engineers of the Indian Engineering Service found that the past occurences of floods and droughts of rivers in the Punjab could be related to the records of...

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Use of Risk Analysis
The United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) has been using risk analysis techniques in assessments for management decisions. Before presenting USBR practice and experience, the paper...

Hydrologic Modeling Using Radar-Rainfall Imagery
A flash flood forecasting system is being developed which has three main elements: 1) high resolution estimation of rainfall in time and space using radar and ground-based gages; 2) computer...

Federal Role in Waterfront Development
The Federal Government has broad authority and responsibility for waterfront development in the coastal zone and inland waterways. The paper focuses on the Army Corps of Engineers'...

The Charles River Project
The Charles River Project received the 1984 Presidential Award for Design Excellence in Architecture, Engineering, and Urban Planning. Sited between Charlestown and Boston's...

Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Transit Operation
This paper discusses the use of a Performance Evaluation Model in evaluating the effect of short term policy changes including fares, service frequencies, route coverage, and route alignment....

The Impact of Selected Sea Level Rise Scenarios on the Beach and Coastal Structures at Sea Bright, N.J.
The physical impacts of selected sea level rise scenarios on the shoreline of Sea Bright, New Jersey, are investigated. The sea level rise scenarios chosen for investigation were developed...

The Improved SCS TR-20 Network Watershed Model
SCS Technical Release 20, 'Computer Program for Project Formulation - Hydrology' (TR-20), has been revised. Major revisions include new procedures for hydrograph...

Modeling Off-Site Impacts
The off-site impacts of a flood water control program were evaluated by applying the SWRRB (Simulation of Water Resources on Rural Basins) model to a treated basin, primarily agricultural,...

The Role of Multiple Level Hydrologic Analysis in Watershed Management?A Case Study in Trinidad
An accurate estimation of peak flood flows and its correlation with existing and future land use are basic requirements for the scientific management of Watersheds. An accurate estimation...

Personal Computers and Stormwater Management Programs
Urban flooding and drainage problems are the result of complex interactions between natural and man-made systems. Comprehensive analysis of the hydrologic characteristics of these problems...

Automated Data Monitoring for Disaster Prevention
A system is now available from International Hydrological Services for use on micro-computers that will provide real-time environmental monitoring, analysis, forecasting and control. This...

Integrated Knowledge-Based Software for Flood and Water Pollution Management
The authors' aim is to develop a comprehensive city-wide system to control both flooding and pollution. This system provides information on the sewer system with regard to:...

Savannah River Basin Flood Management Decision Support
The Savannah District Army Corps of Engineers has constructed and now operates three multipurpose reservoirs on the Savannah River. Hartwell, the most upstream of the three projects, is...

Optimization of Flood Control Projects
Project optimization analysis techniques have become indispensable tools for the design, management, and administration of flood control improvements. The increasing complexity of engineering...

Risk-Cost Analysis and Spillway Design
The NRC's recent report on dam safety proposes risk cost analysis to help select among alternative spillway modifications for existing dams. This paper examines the sensitivity...

Hydraulic Profile Computation Using CADD
The data preparation can also be performed by directly recording onto a computer tape the aerial survey cross section ground points and the field survey work. A computer program can then...





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