An Evaluation Study of Modified Mohr-Coulomb and Cap Models
Two failure criteria, namely Mohr-Coulomb and cap models, are considered in this paper with some modifications. Mohr-Coulomb theory is applied to concrete after stress and strain cut-offs...

Seismic Stability Analysis of Landfill
The failure mechanism of a waste containment system is not well understood due to the complexity and the heterogeneity of the system. The recent slope failure of the Kettleman Hills waste...

Distributed Failure Analysis, Fallacies and Remedies
In the past, two distinctly different approaches - smeared and discrete failure descriptions have been utilised to capture failure mechanisms in solids and structures. These two approaches...

Computational Gradient Plasticity
The inclusion of higher-order deformation gradients is of paramount importance for properly describing strain localization within the framework of continuum mechanics. In this contribution...

Failure Analysis of Masonry Structures
The use of smeared-crack and interface elements for the analysis of masonry structures is investigated. While a variety of structural problems can be solved with a combination of both...

Shear Resistance Models for Concrete Bridges
Statistical models are developed for the shear resistance of concrete bridge girders. Two structural types are considered: reinforced concrete T-beams and prestressed concrete AASHTO girders....

Structural Control Under Stochastic Seismic Loads
This paper presents a method of controlling nonlinear and hysteretic civil engineering structures subjected to stochastic earthquake ground excitations. Emphasis is placed on control of...

Pressure Losses Across Sequential Stenoses in Collapsible Tubing
The fluid dynamics of a model of a diseased artery with multiple stenoses were investigated in a recirculating steady-flow system over a range of Reynolds numbers (Re) from 30 to 1100....

Properties of Aggregate-Cement Interface for High Performance Concrete
An experimental study of the interfacial zone between aggregate and cement paste was undertaken. Various factors such as type of aggregate, treatment of aggregate surface, mixing process...

A Cumulative Failure Criterion of Concrete Under Uniaxial Dynamic Compressive Loading
It has been previously reported that the strength and critical strain of concrete under impact increase with strain rate, but neither of them can predict failure. A cumulative damage parameter...

Experimental Investigation of Bending and Twisting Coupling in Thin-Walled Composite Beams
The behavior of a thin-walled ppen section composite material beam depends on the anisotropic mechanical properties of the panels that form the beam. A beam theory has been proposed for...

A Discussion of the Numerical Modeling of Sea Ice Ridging
Pressure ridging, is the failure mechanism of the Arctic pack ice in compression. The large-scale compressive strength of the ice pack is determined by the aggregate of ridge building...

Stability of Systems of Rigid Bodies by Bounding Theorems
The stability of systems of systems of rigid bodies subjected to conservative and dissipative forces is investigated by considering the minimization of a work function subject to the kinematic...

Predicting the Performance Limits of Soil-Culvert Systems
A finite element model for elastic plastic large deformation analysis of soil-culvert systems is presented. Predictions of this numerical model are in good agreement with failure tests...

Finite Element Large Deflection Analysis of Cylindrical Shells with Different Types of Cutouts
Nonlinear finite element is used to find the elastic buckling load and the maximum deflection for cylindrical shells subjected to unsymmetrical pressures due to wind. These shells are...

Modal Analysis of Vibration Response for Condition Monitoring of Structures
The response of a structure to load is evidence of what the structure is; of the materials, members, connections and form of the structure. Response is evidence as well of the condition...

Compressive Strength and Characterization of Failure Modes for Polymer Concrete
The effect of aggregate type, polymer content and specimen dimensions on the compressive strength and failure modes of a polyester polymer concrete (PC) was investigated. Two aggregate...

Failure Prediction of Anisotropic Material
Basic mathematical elements of a higher order failure theory for anisotropic material are outlined. Surface closure is ensured by requiring a tensor polynomial to satisfy constraint conditions....

An Elasticity Solution for a Transversely Isotropic Material Containing a Spherical Shell Under Arbitrary Axisymmetric Loading
A three-dimensional elasticity solution is obtained for a transversely isotropic solid containing an isotropic spherical membrane shell. Perfect bonding is assumed between the shell and...

Locally Buckled Plastic Hinge Behavior Under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading Condition
In order to clarify the influences of local buckling under monotonic and cyclic loading conditions, experimental studies were carried out on W8x10 A-36 structural steel members subjected...





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