Performance Assessment Calculational Exercises (PACE-90): Overview and Summary
PACE-90 was undertaken by the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project in order to develop expertise in computational capabilities and to aid in identification of critical elements...

Preliminary Performance Assessment of a Nevada Test Site Waste Disposal Facility
The performance of the Nevada Test Site Greater Confinement Disposal (GCD) site was assessed against the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) requirements for disposal...

Application of TQM to the Waste Management QA Regulatory Arena
Over the past several years, a number of the scientists involved with the high-level radioactive waste repository project have expressed concern regarding the application of quality assurance...

Application of QA Program for Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Geologic Investigations
The High Level Waste Program requires safe disposal of nuclear waste in a geologic medium for thousands of years. Traditionally, the nuclear industry relies heavily on engineered items....

The Licensing Support System (LSS): Who Should Operate it and Will it Work?
The development of the mammoth Licensing Support System (LSS), a management information system intended to handle documentation relevant to the licensing application of the DOE for the...

The Licensing Support System: Institutional Challenges and Opportunities
The Licensing Support System (LSS) is an electronic information management system which will be used in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) review of the Department...

Regulatory Systems-Based Licensing Guidance Documentation
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has developed a series of licensing guidance documents based on the regulatory requirements in Part 60 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations...

Drafting of an ISO Standard for Leakage Tests on Packaging for the Transport of Radioactive Material
A working group (TC85/SC5/WG 10) has been formed by ISO for the drafting of an international standard covering the leak testing of radioactive material transport containers. A certain...

Scoping Experimental Analysis of Factors Affecting Cask Contamination Weeping
One issue of particular concern to both the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the US Department of Energy (DOE) involves the control of in-transit 'weeping'...

GA-4/GA-9 Honeycomb Impact Limiter Tests and Analytical Model
General Atomics (GA) has a test program underway to obtain data on the behavior of a honeycomb impact limiter. The program includes testing of small samples to obtain basic information,...

Comparison of Elastic and Inelastic Analysis and Test Results for the Defense High Level Waste Shipping Cask
In the early 1980's, the U.S. Department of Energy/Defense Programs (DOE/DP) initiated a project to develop a safe and efficient transportation system for defense high level...

Location and Assessment of Groundwater Discharge
Methods have been developed for locating and measuring groundwater discharges, which are often obscured by the presence of overlying surface water. A sediment probe, towed behind a moving...

An Empirical Data Base for the Investigation of Earthquake-Related Changes in Crustal Hydrology
Both fracture permeability and fluid flow velocity can alter as a result of sudden strain changes associated with earthquake fault rupture. Testing the hydrological signatures of numerous...

The Shaft Excavation Effect Experiment
The Shaft Excavation Effect (SEE) experiment has been carried out by Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC). Corresponding to this experiment, an evaluation system...

Two Double Porosity Models for Groundwater Radioactive Contamination
This paper describes two models for groundwater radioactive contamination in a naturally fractured rock. The first one for a saturated rock and the other one for an unsaturated rock. Numerical...

The Last Twelve Months at Yucca Mountain
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is evaluating Yucca Mountain in Nevada to determine if the site would be a safe location for a high-level radioactive waste repository. As mandated...

Perils of Project Development on Public Land Open to Mining
Conducting a government project on public land open to the general mining laws can result in added costs, legal entanglements, schedule uncertainties, and the potential for unanticipated...

Being Responsive and Getting the Job Done Right
The United States Department of Energy (DOE) Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Office (YMSCPO) has been given the responsibility for characterization of the potential repository...

Seeking Common Ground: Western Governors and the WIPP Transport Campaign
Nine Western States have engaged the U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE) to prepare for shipments of nuclear weapons waste. These are shipments of transuranic (TRU) wastes from nuclear weapons...

Management of Comments on DOE's Site Characterization Plan (SCP) and Integration with the Planned Geotechnical Program
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has committed to respond to comments on the SCP throughout the site characterization process. As of January 1990 DOE has received 4,574 comments on...





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