Hydro Power
The Kerckhoff 2 Hydroelectric Power Projects adds 140 MW to the capacity of the San Francisco area's Pacific Gas & Electric system. No new dam was needed; only a 4-mile...

Energy Recovery
In Albany, N.Y. the state and city cooperated in designing and building a refuse-into-steam energy plant that has several unique features. In most such facilities, the entire plant is...

Seismic Qualification of Main Control Boards by Combined Mathematical Model and In-situ Modal Test
By adjusting the stiffness of the model, mode shapes and frequencies can be matched to those from the in-situ tests, thus giving a verified and representative model. With the verified...

A Summary of the Seismic Qualification Utilities Group (SQUG) Program
In 1980, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) designated Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-46 to address the seismic safety of equipment in operating nuclear power plants. In 1982, the...

Integrated Testing and Analysis
This paper represents a new approach which greatly streamlines the entire process. In those cases where finite element modeling is used without test verification, the procedure consists...

Vibration Isolation of Cable Tray Hangers
Analytical and experimental investigations have been performed to partially evaluate the feasibility of using much more flexible support systems than those presently used to support electrical...

Stress Distribution Around the Equipment Hatch Opening of a Prestressed Concrete Containment for a PWR Power Station
Results are reported of a finite element stress analysis for the linear elastic deformation around the equipment hatch opening in prestressed concrete containment. The dimensions and form...

Weather Modification Made Easy ? A Cookbook Recipe
This paper takes a cookbook approach to the development of a well organized and efficient cloud seeding endeavor, by discussing seven important items necessary for a successful program....

Security of Unattended Pipeline Stations
The ultimate purpose of a security system is to maintain equipment and service in a normal operating condition or to restore the equipment and service to normal operating condition as...

Engineer-Constructor Experience with Computer Aided Design and Engineering
Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation has used CAD/CAE equipment since 1974 and has developed organizations and procedures for integrating the technology into the design process....

The Need for Training in the Dredging Industry
Training is very important in those cases where the skill of personnel is not adequate to make optimal use of dredging equipment. This holds for management staff as well as for operating...

Draghead Designs vs. Production
This paper discusses the development and design of draghead configurations for silt materials and describes a testing program designed to determine the most efficient range of the controllable...

Automated Walking Cycle for Swinging Ladder Dredge
The unique application of a Swinging Ladder Dredge to perform maintenance dredging in the cooling canal system of the Turkey Point Power Plant demanded the design of a semi-automated dredge...

Dredge Automation: The State-of-the-Art
Automated control systems are being developed and applied to enhance the productivity and cost-effectiveness of dredges. Referring particularly to hydraulic type dredging plants, the functions...

Fundamentals of Agitation Dredging
The definition and basic principles of agitation dredging are discussed. Equipment for agitation dredging is categorized. The principles of operation, advantages, and disadvantages of...

Development of the Dredging Wheel
The 'bucket line' dredge and 'cutter suction' dredge are two distinct types of equipment. The cutter suction system has developed more...

Selecting a Dredge Pump
While it is not necessary for the dredge operator to know how to design a dredge pump, the ability to select one that meets his project requirements is essential to insure the success...

Dredge Cutterhead Flow Processes
Feasibility studies of new dredge intake and cutterhead shielding techniques were conducted to improve hydraulic cutterhead dredge performance. Simple modification of the suction mouth...

Dredging-Related Considerations in Navigation Channel Design
In the design of a navigation project, the channel depth, width, and alignment for a given set of navigation requirements are dependent on physical, hydrodynamic, and sedimentological...

Field Flow Measurement of Hydro-Turbine Efficiency
Performance tests were conducted at Great Northern Paper (GNP) Company's Weldon Hydroelectric Station. The purpose of the tests was to calibrate the Winter-Kennedy taps and...





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