The Aerometro Suspended Rail System
The unique flexibility of the Aerometro Suspended Rail System offers an excellent opportunity for addressing urban transit needs. It is capable of prefabrication off-site, relatively simple...

Ultra Light Mass Transit?Today's Costs and Environmental Breakthrough in Mass Transit and People Movers
The paper presents an introduction to Ultra Light Mass Transit Systems under development by Flyda Limited, England. Special emphasis is given to the order-of-magnitude reductions in the...

Financing and Implementing Special Assessments
On November 1, 1984 Metropolitan Dade County began levying and collecting a special assessment on 700 properties within the service area of the Downtown Component of Metrorail. Based on...

Joint Use Right-of-Way Agreements for the Miami Metromover System
This paper presents an overview of the right-of-way acquisition process for the Miami automated people mover system (METROMOVER). The cost associated with the acquisition of the necessary...

Design and Construction of Guideway: Vancouver Advanced Light Rapid Transit
The Vancouver Advanced Light Rapid Transit (ALRT), system consists of linear induction motor driven, light-weight cars automatically controlled operating over a 21. 4 km system from downtown...

Guideway Beams?Formwork and Fabrication
A manufacturing concept was developed around an adjustable form capable of mass producing prestressed concrete beams to the unique geometric configuration of each section of track. The...

Downtown People Mover Operating and Maintenance Personnel Requirements
Two major automated Downtown People Mover (DPM) projects, Miami and Detroit, are expected to be in operation within a year. These two DPM systems are similar in many respects: automation,...

Notes on Statistics of Failures of Constructed Works
This paper is concerned with both catastrophic and sub-catastrophic failures, which may be categorized into three types: Safety (type S), Functional (type F), and Ancillary (type A). Often...

Failure Statistics Categorized by Cause and Generic Class
Failures can be classified into the three categories, ie. , SAFETY, FUNCTIONAL, and ANCILLARY. Within the causation definition, failures fall into five general areas: DESIGN DEFICIENCIES;...

Alternative Procedures for Investigating Failures
Failures of engineered structures continue to occur. This is despite rapid advances in engineering theory, new, more sophisticated methods of analysis, and streamlined techniques for preparing...

Information Availability
There seems to be a great deal of concern about lack of availability of information concerning the results of failure investigations. In most court cases there is virtually no technical...

Failure Information Needs in Civil Engineering
If we are to learn from failures of engineered facilities, failure information must be in a useful form, and it must reach those who can effect improved practice. This paper discusses,...

Learning from Failures: Procedural Changes in the Design and Construction Process to Reduce Failures
This paper first defines failures and their number and scope in the design and construction fields. It then presents the writer's opinion as to the cause of the failures and...

The Resident Engineer
The author defines what resident engineers are by briefly explaining their qualifications, duties, administrative responsibilities and compensation with respect to construction projects....

The Resident Engineer?Experience and Judgment
This paper gives the author's definition of the Resident Engineer. The duties, responsibilities, qualifications and authority of the U. S. Naval officers assigned as Resident...

The Owner as Resident Engineer: A Cost-Effctive Method of Project Management
Owners have recognized that corporate profitability depends not only on the professional skills applied to plant operations but also on the cost effectiveness of plant construction and...

The Consulting Engineer's Resident Engineer on Public Works Projects
The importance to the owner, engineering firm, and construction contractor of a qualified Resident Engineer on a construction project cannot be overly emphasized. Similarly, the duties,...

The Resident Engineer?Contractor Relationship
This paper focuses on one type of contract and the relationship between the Contractor and the Resident Engineer that exists within that contract. The type of contract is where the Owner...

Liability of the Resident Engineer
This paper focuses on specific examples of resident engineer liability situations. It specifically discusses to whom the resident engineer has responsibility, why the law imposes the liability...

The WMATA Resident Engineer?The Team He Leads and His Responsibilities
This paper discusses the role of the Resident Engineer as a key member of any construction team. It uses the organization and functions as practiced at the Washington Metropolitan Area...





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