Threats to Bridge Stability from Scour Related Failures of Drop Structures
Catastrophic failure of bridge foundations may occur when channel bed elevations are lowered unexpectedly. Bridges to be constructed in channels that are known to have bed degradation...
Mechanics of Debris Flows
The paper deals with the mechanics aspects of the modelling of debris flows and will focus on steady, fully developed flows. After a brief review of the types of constitutive equations...
Kenetic-theory Approach to the Nevado Del Ruiz 1985 Debris Flow
The Nevado del Ruiz 1985 debris flow was the worst disaster of its kind in this century, killing 22,000 people. By making an idealization of the debris flow material and the flow regime,...
Continuum-Mechanics-Based Rheological Formulation for Debris Flow
This paper aims to assess the validity of the generalized viscoplastic fluid (GVF) model in the light of both the classical relative-viscosity versus concentration relation and the dimensionless...
Rheometry of Natural Sediment Slurries
Recent experimental analyses of natural sediment slurries yield diverse results yet exhibit broad commonality of rheological responses under a range of conditions and shear rates. Results...
Salt Transport in a Tidal Canal, West Neck Creek, Virginia
Flow and stability were monitored during 1989-92 in West Neck Creek, Virginia, which provides a direct hydraulic connection between the saline waters of Chesapeake Bay and the relatively...
Hydrodynamic and Toxic Contaminant Dispersion in the Lower St. Marys River
A numerical model that simulates the hydrodynamics and the transport of toxic contaminants in the Lower St.Marys River is being calibrated and verified using field data from the U.S. Army...
Modeling Low Flow Transport of Nonconservative Pollutants in Streams
The complex nature of low flow transport and transformation of nonconservative pollutants in natural streams has been investigated using a numerical solution of a proposed mathematical...
Wind Induced Circulation in Shallow Lakes
Clear Lake is a relatively shallow lake in Northern California. Natural flows are small but at times they do transport heavy metals into the lake. In order to predict water quality constituent...
Prediction of Filtrate Turbidity by Parameter Estimation
In order to operate the rapid sand filter in response to the time variation of effluent quality, a model and a procedure to predict the filtrate quality of rapid sand filters have been...
Repeatability and Oblique Flow Response Characteristics of Current Meters
Laboratory investigation into the precision and accuracy of various mechanical-current meters are presented. Horizontal-axis and vertical-axis meters that are used for the measurement...
Bed Shear Stress in Unsteady Open-Channel Flows
In this study, velocity distributions over smooth and rough beds were accurately measured with an LDA in unsteady open-channel flows. The log-law distributions yielded well in the wall...
Limitations of Reduced Scale Testing on Parshall Flumes
A model for the boundary layer development in the entrance section of a Parshall flume is developed to account for the effects of fluid viscosity on flume calibration equations. Data for...
Urban Storm Water Instrumentation: a Field Observation
The Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas metroplex has 7 cities with populations of at least 100,000 that are required to meet national Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting requirements...
Water-Level, Velocity, and Dye Measurements in the Chicago Tunnels
On April 13, 1992, a section of a 100-year-old underground freight tunnel in downtown Chicago, Illinois was breached where the tunnel crosses under the Chicago River, about 15 meters below...
A Simple and Reliable Method For Analysis of Water Supply Distribution
The proposed analysis, may be regarded as a bridge between the practical sample analysis and the optimization model development. From the analysis and observation of water distribution...
Friction Loss Equations for Hydropower Facilities
Many water suppliers are pursuing economic benefits from water supply and distribution systems through development of hydropower facilities on pipelines. Excessive pressure head that used...
Development of Enhanced Tools for the Integrated Analysis of Reservoir and Power System Operations
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) have initiated a collaborative project - the INTEGRAL Project - to develop improved tools for coordinating...
Hydraulic Modeling of High Unit Discharge Energy Dissipators
The incorporation of an efficient and economical energy dissipation device is critical with respect to the safe operation of a high unit discharge spillway. The development and design...
Model Study of Center Hill Fuse Plug Spillway
Model tests of a fuseplug spillway mounted on the fixed crest of an embankment dam were conducted to develop a satisfactory design that would fail in a orderly fashion at a prescribed...
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