Station Design for Vancouver ALRT
An overview of the fifteen stations in the first phase of Vancouver's new automated light rail transit system is provided. Decisions related to station locations and types,...

Safety Aspects of Detroit DPM Station Designs
The Detroit Downtown People Mover (DDPM), currently under construction in the Central Business District of downtown Detroit, offered a unique set of challenges to the architects and engineers...

Design and Fabrication of the Guideway Superstructure for the Miami METROMOVER
The guideways for the driverless rubber-tired vehicles are entirely aerial. As a result of severe restrictions on horizontal alignment and pier locations imposed by the downtown Miami...

Unique Considerations in the Detroit DPM Foundation Design
Foundation design for the guideway of Detroit's Downtown People Mover (DPM) was influenced by a variety of unique considerations. Severe loading conditions were created by...

Unique Features of Automated People Mover Systems
This paper identifies the characteristics and unique features of the automated transit system presently being installed in the central business district of Detroit, Michigan. This system...

Downtown People Mover System Security: Detroit and Miami Responses
The Detroit and Miami downtown people mover (DPM) systems will be in uncontrolled environments in major urban central business districts. Both plan not to have personnel on vehicles or...

Human Interface Design of an APM Control Center
The control center of an Automated People Mover (APM) system is a man-machine system. Both software and hardware aspects of the design of the monitor room that directly affect ease of...

Detroit's DPM Maintenance and Control Facility
The Maintenance and Control Facility (MCF), a single building complex for the Detroit Downtown People Mover (DPM) system, incorporates the people mover system's transit vehicle...

Downtown People Mover Operating and Maintenance Personnel Requirements
Two major automated Downtown People Mover (DPM) projects, Miami and Detroit, are expected to be in operation within a year. These two DPM systems are similar in many respects: automation,...

Maintenance Requirements of People Mover Systems
The Atlanta Airport Automated Guideway Transit System is comparable to the second or third busiest transit line in the US. The key quality indicators of system performance are discussed...

Toward User-Oriented Failure Management Strategies for the Morgantown People Mover
The Morgantown People Mover (MPM) is the most sophisticated automated people movers in the United States. It is the only one that offers 'personalized' service...

Failure Investigation Process
The purpose of this paper is to consider the present failure investigation process, in order to assess whether failures are being properly investigated, and also whether sufficient information...

Alternative Procedures for Investigating Failures
Failures of engineered structures continue to occur. This is despite rapid advances in engineering theory, new, more sophisticated methods of analysis, and streamlined techniques for preparing...

Information Availability
There seems to be a great deal of concern about lack of availability of information concerning the results of failure investigations. In most court cases there is virtually no technical...

Failure Information Needs in Civil Engineering
If we are to learn from failures of engineered facilities, failure information must be in a useful form, and it must reach those who can effect improved practice. This paper discusses,...

Learning from Failures
Modern technology and innovation have created a gap between what the design drawings predict with respect to safety and serviceability of a structure and the real safety and serviceability...

Learning from Failures: Procedural Changes in the Design and Construction Process to Reduce Failures
This paper first defines failures and their number and scope in the design and construction fields. It then presents the writer's opinion as to the cause of the failures and...

Failure Investigations in Undergraduate Education
Author stresses the need for failure investigations in undergraduate education especially in Civil Engineering. The civil engineer often creates only one major project of a kind, and is...

The Resident Engineer?Experience and Judgment
This paper gives the author's definition of the Resident Engineer. The duties, responsibilities, qualifications and authority of the U. S. Naval officers assigned as Resident...

The Consulting Engineer's Resident Engineer on Public Works Projects
The importance to the owner, engineering firm, and construction contractor of a qualified Resident Engineer on a construction project cannot be overly emphasized. Similarly, the duties,...





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