Laplace Valve Stroking to Control Water Hammer
The method of Laplace valve stroking to control water hammer is presented. Attention is directed to the most frequently encountered of the simple systems: a single pipe originating at...
Low-Flow Habitat in Flood Control Channels
A critical phase in the life cycle of many riverine species in flood control channels is during low-flow periods when the quantity and quality of available habitat diminishes. However,...
Management of Rice Fields for Wetlands, Water, and Rice Production
The feasibility of managing a portion of the Sacramento Valley's rice fields as wetlands for waterfowl use, storage, and aid in rice straw decomposition was evaluated. Approximately 95%...
Modeling the Impacts of Plankton Entrainment in a Tropical Bay
As part of the permitting for a coal-fired power plant, several enhancements were made to the two-dimensional flow and transport models TEA and ELA that allowed for the quantification...
The Flushing Flow Problem on the Trinity River, CA
Flushing flows are high flow releases designed to remove fine sediment accumulated in river gravels downstream of reservoirs. These releases must be designed to maximize transport of sand-sized...
Drag Characteristics of Coarse Sediment in Clay Suspensions
Drag characteristics of spherical particles in clay suspensions, such as coarse sediment in hyperconcentrated flows, has been analyzed by using a limited data available in the literature....
Fractal Dimension of Aggregated Sediments
Cohesive sediment dynamics in estuarine systems are strongly affected by particle aggregation and flocculation. These processes are mainly controlled by the Brownian motion, flow turbulence...
Mass Transport in Mud Layer Induced by Wave Action
This paper analyzes the mass transport velocity in a two layers system produced by wave action. In a previous paper, Piedra Cueva (1933), a theory for linear water waves propagating in...
Sediment Disposal and Transport in Central SF Bay
The relocation of dredged material from navigation channels in the Francisco Bay is crucial to the movement of deep-draft shipping and shallow-draft recreational vessels. The margins of...
Shape Effect on Bed-Load Transport in Pipes
The nature of part-full flows in pipe sewers produces different channel shapes resulting in non-uniform shear stress distribution on the wetted perimeter. New experimental data were utilized...
Scour at Highway Structures in Tidal Waters
Scour analysis of bridges over tidal waterways uses the same scour equations as for the rivers. However, determining the hydraulic variables to use in the equations is complex. A major...
Model Technology for Estimating Storm-Induced Currents
This paper demonstrates the application of the one-dimensional shallow-water equation model DYNLETI at Brunswick Harbor, Georgia to simulate storm-induced velocities precisely at a bridge...
Indian River Inlet: Is There a Solution?
Man-made changes at Indian River inlet, Delaware, have occurred over the past 6 decades. During this period the tidal prism of the Indian River-Rehoboth Bays system has increased along...
Bridge Hydraulic Design in Tidal Situations
The analysis of bridge hydraulics and scour potential in tidal waters, in comparison with inland rivers, requires consideration of various additional factors. This paper condenses a simplistic...
McCormick Bridge Scour Evaluation?A Case Study of a Tidal Bridge
Although the Federal Highway Authority has implemented procedures for bridge scour analysis in their HEC-18 publication, they do not indicate a procedure for scour depth determination...
A Tidal Inlet Bridge Scour Assessment Model
Undermining of bridge structures constructed in tidal inlets is a common problem. Scour mechanisms in tidal inlets are often complex combinations of local contraction and regional tidal...
A Mathematical Model of Flow in Mildly Sinuous, Deep Channels
A mathematical study of flow in deep, weakly-meandering channels has been carried out and formulations for the tangential and radial velocities, valid in conditions have been developed....
Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modeling with a Computer Graphics System
For more than a decade various divisions and district offices of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have been active in the development of graphic information system databases and computer...
Numerical Modeling of Unsteady Compound Channel Flow
The unsteady open channel flow equations describing conservation of mass and momentum (St. Venant equations) are integrated numerically to determine the depth of flow and the rate of discharge...
Halloween Wave Transformation Near Virginia Coast
The Halloween Northeaster of October 29-31, 1991 generated a unique severe sea. The storm waves propagated through two wave stations which are 87 km apart. The wave spectra of the storm...
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