Ground Water Economics in the San Joaquin Valley
Ground water pumping in the San Joaquin Valley to supplement surface water supplies has increased from about 200 thousand acre-feet per year at the beginning of this century to nine million...

Drip Irrigated Cotton: Economics and Water Savings
Groundwater withdrawals for cotton production in the arid Southwest account for about 15 percent of all groundwater withdrawals. In Arizona, cotton's proportion of groundwater...

River Meandering
The erosion and sedimentation processes associated with river meandering have a profound effect on man's use of rivers and their valleys, as well as the natural environment....

Environmental Engineering
The purpose of the Annual Conference on Environmental Engineering is to pursue scientific knowledge and promote sound engineering judgement and practice in the solution of the many environmental...

Water Today and Tomorrow
These conference proceedings include 87 papers dealing with irrigation-related topics concerning water supplies, water quality, legal and social infrastructure, irrigation projects and...

Vertical Behavior of Two 16-Year Old Drilled Shafts
Vertical load tests were performed on drilled shafts subject to lateral confining and heaving pressures from expansive soil over 16 years. Results indicated mobilized skin friction equal...

Database Management
Computer aided design systems have found widespread acceptance from Engineering companies as drafting/detailing/drawing tools. While this has brought a dramatic productivity improvement...

The Theory of One-Dimensional Consolidation of Saturated Clays
The theory of nonlinear finite strain consolidation is reviewed. A modification of the effective stress equation to account of settling and consolidation as a unified phenomenon is proposed....

Particle Interaction and Stability of Suspended Solids
The physics of particle interaction, which is responsible for the problem of the apparent tardy settling of suspended solids in tailings discharge slurries containing initially low concentrations...

Consolidation Performance of Soft Clays: Part 2. Predictions
The simplified version of the model described in Part 1 was used to predict the short-term performance of the St. Alban test fill. The long-term predictive capability of the model was...

Consolidation by Sand Drain in Anisotropic Ground
The author reduces Biot's equations of consolidation into a single governing equation with the excess pore water pressure as the only unknown function and derives the theory...

Consolidation of Mining Wastes
This paper describes laboratory and field tests for determining consolidation properties of soft sediments, presents data on several types of mining wastes, and presents the results of...

Time and Stress Dependent Compression in Soft Sediments
Results are presented for laboratory experiments using a typical estuarine mud settling from a slurry in columns of 100mm diameter. Measurements have been made of density and pore water...

Prediction of Viable Tailings Disposal Methods
A sand-fines-water diagram is proposed to analyze and describe slurries composed of coarse and fine particulate matter. The diagram can be used to predict and plan disposal methods for...

Centrifugal Modeling of Phosphatic Clay Consolidation
As a by-product of beneficiation, quantities of dilute clay slurry are produced which are stored in retention ponds. One method of accelerating consolidation is to surcharge the clay with...

Application of Finite Strain Consolidation Theory for Engineering Design and Environmental Planning of Mine Tailings Impoundments
A knowledge of the consolidation behavior of mine tailings, during and after deposition, is important in estimating final impoundment capacity, rate and pore fluid expulsion during and...

Convection-Diffusion Analysis of Sedimentation in Initially Dilute Solids-Suspensions
The settling of suspended solids in solids-suspensions is treated from the viewpoint of the relative fluxes established as a result of the upward diffusion of water and the downward convection...

Water for Resource Development
The primary goal of these proceedings is to provide an awareness of the many areas of resource development in which hydraulic engineering plays a key role. The papers cover a variety of...

New Tools Help Find Flaws
Certain electromagnetic tools for nondestructive evaluation of existing infrastructure, though not widely used, can cut cost and time of identifying flaws in existing infrastructure. Five...

Grouting Rehabs Earth Dam
To accommodate increased storage needs the Pennsylvania Power & Light Company had to reactivate a fly ash basin and raise an adjacent embankment dam. However, seepage through the...





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