Microcomputer Program for Daily Weather Simulation
Extensive climatic data have been collected by the National Weather Service and other agencies, and are available in printed form or on magnetic tapes. The published data are expensive...

Secondary Circulation Data Acquisition System
A computerized field data collection system was developed for a project investigating secondary circulation in natural rivers. The instrumentation includes a Commodore mini-computer with...

Macro Data Acquisition Systems on Minicomputers
Selection of the proper minicomputer for a real-time data system is a careful design process based on system requirements. Hardware should be purchased after requirements are set and not...

Computer Techniques for Acquisition and Reduction of Cross-Section Data
DuPage County, Illinois, has initiated a county-wide stormwater management program for planning and flood mitigation purposes. Field data with horizontal and vertical control are obtained...

The Micro vs. Mainframe in Hydrologic Modeling and Forecasting
This paper describes and compares the performance, application, and suitability of a microcomputer as host for the large-scale hydrologic model called SSARR. The SSARR Model is currently...

Water System Analysis?Modeling Hydraulics
The work described in this paper is part of the planning and design effort for expanding and improving the water supply system for St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana. The parish is...

SCS User-Defined Storm Hydrograph (SCS-USH)
The Soil Conservation Service User-Defined Storm Hydrograph (SCS-USH) has been developed to provide engineers and regulatory officials with a simple microcomputer tool for defining design...

A Low-Cost, Microcomputer-Based Field Data Acquisition System
This paper discusses the selection and development of a micro-computer-based data acquisition system used for collecting aquifer test data. Primary components of the data collection system...

Microprocessor-Based Data Acquisition Systems
The application of microprocessor-based data acquisition systems to laboratory experiments and field tests is discussed. The importance of the system design and hardware selection is emphasized....

A Microcomputer Based Real-Time Flood Warning System
A microcomputer based real-time flood warning system is being developed as an event monitoring and early warning system for local areas. The system consists of a micro computer based central...

What Every Hydraulic Engineer Should Know About Technical Information
This paper traces the development of indexing and abstracting of scientific literature and discusses present-day concepts of current awareness, online literature searching and numeric...

Near Real-Time Climatic Data in Illinois
The need for making real-time climatic data available for use was recognized in Illinois, and a concerted effort began in 1983 to develop a system for collecting and disseminating near...

Sources of Information for Coastal Engineering
The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is undertaking a significant effort of documenting the coastal engineering data sources either available at or published by Government agencies as...

A Microcomputer Dispersivity Evaluation Method for Thick Aquifers
The Littoral Environment Observation (LEO) program uses volunteer observers recruited to obtain daily visual observations of such coastal variables as breaker height, wave period, direction...

Development of a Practical Method Simulating Oil Spill Migration (OSPIM) in Soils
Many ground-water modeling studies can be performed on currently available microcomputers. The greatest problem associated with the proliferation of ground-water modeling software for...

Application of a Detachable Gondola Ropeway in an Urban Transport Environment: New Orleans, La.
The first United States application of the detachable, monocable, gondola ropeway system as an urban transportation system is presented. The system is the Mississippi Aerial River Transit...

Automated Analysis of High Accident Locations
Identification of high accident locations and associated accident causative factors as well as determination and evaluation of appropriate remedial measures at these sites are continuing...

Smart Transit: Better Service in a Wider Range of Applications
An overview of operating people movers is given. For most of the three dozen current systems, institutions other than mass transit agencies have been able to tap the major benefits offered...

Market for AGT and its Implication for Needed R&D
This paper reviews the present market for automated-type transit systems, outlines the attributes required to satisfy and expand this market, and identifies deficiencies in existing Automated...

Feasibility Assessment, Planning and Programming of Downtown People Mover Installations
Based on the author's personal experience, this paper sets forth suggested guidelines for progressing from initial feasibility studies through implementation of automated...





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