Groundwater Recharge with Reclaimed Water Another Step Closer to Potable Reuse
California.s water supply is becoming increasingly unreliable, and investments to make water more reliable must be seriously investigated. In this arid region of Southern California, reclaimed...

Water and Sanitation Intervention in Flood Mitigation Programs
Disasters, like floods and cyclones, are almost annual events in Bangladesh. Often post-disaster epidemics of diarrhoeal diseases cause more short- and long-term health problems than injuries...

Flood Risk Management: New Concepts for an Objective Negotiation
It has been tested in a real situation like the Bourbre catch ment, a Rhone tributary in the Isere department, not far from Lyon (France). This catchment is 700 km large, the river is...

Scour at Culvert Outlets: Considerations Present and Future
One of the major considerations in the design and rehabilitation of the national transportation system is the conveyance of tributary drainage through constructed embankments. As drainage...

Acquisition and Restoration of a Drainage District in the Snohomish River Valley
The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the efforts by Snohomish County to acquire a drainage district (Drainage District 6) in the lower Snohomish River valley and restore...

The Use of Hydrologic Budget Techniques in Assessing Site Suitability for Wetland Creation
This paper discusses the general concepts and benefits of using of hydrologic budget techniques to describe the typical hydrologic conditions that might be expected at prospective site...

Water Based Land Use Regulations Using GIS Water Budgeting Model
Protection of water quality and supplies in developing watersheds requires maintenance of the natural water budget. Water budgeting model using GIS provides foundation for land use regulatory...

Sustainable Watershed Management in Developing Watersheds
In many parts of the country, land development at the fringe of major metropolitan areas has accelerated and is occurring in historically unprecedented land consuming patterns. This development...

Implementation of Watershed Planning in Chester County Pennsylvania
The author presents portions of a study into the current watershed regulatory framework in Pennsylvania, and how effectively this framework supports watershed sustainability when faced...

A Decision Making Approach for Stormwater Management Measures?A Case Example in the City of Waukesha, Wisconsin
An urban nonpoint source pollution predictive model (Source Load and Management Model?SLAMM; Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 1990), and a decision matrix developed specifically...

Los Angeles River as a Water Source for a Freshwater Reservoir
Simons, Li & Associates, Inc., performed a study to examine the technical feasibility of a freshwater reservoir in the ocean at the mouth of the Los Angeles River through a conceptual...

Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Storm Water Quality Assessments, Los Angeles, California
This study included a general assessment of the surface water quality conditions within the Los Angeles County area by examination of the surface water quality data collected by LACDPW...

Modeling Combined Stresses on Aquatic Ecosystems
A mechanistic ecosystem response model is being developed by incorporating exposure/response relationships for selected natural and anthropogenic stresses into an existing hydrodynamic...

Effect of Pump-Ins on California Aqueduct Water Quality
A model has been developed, based on the assumption of constant Aqueduct volume, to predict the effect of ground water pump-ins on Aqueduct water quality. Designated SuperCAMP (California...

Calibration of a Water Quality Model Using the Influence Coefficient Algorithm
A methodology based on the influence coefficient algorithm was established for the calibration of QUAL2E reaction coefficients. It was applied to the stream sections of the South Han River...

Partnerships for Diversity in Water Resources Education
Environmental industry partnerships for education offer excellent opportunities to leverage public investments and actions to attack three linked problems: underrepresentation of women...

Integration and Interdisciplinary Issues in Water Resources for the 21st Century: Comments and Critique
I was charged with reviewing the papers of this session, and acting as a devil's advocate. to critique the presentations. I have not taken a position for the sake of argument...

Water Resources Planning for the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana
Water resources planning in Indian Country has produced varied results. On the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, the Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes are using an integrated approach to managing...

Regional Economic Impacts of a Land Fallowing Program?The Palo Verde Test Land Fallowing Program Case Study
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) and the Palo Verde Irrigation District (PVID) implemented a two-year test land fallowing program (Program) from August 1, 1992...

Identification of Regional (Third Party) Impacts Associated with the Truckee River Operating Agreement
This paper focuses on problems and solutions encountered to identify regional impacts of the Truckee River Operating Agreement (TROA). Two issues influenced the development of a regional...





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