Noise and Air Blast from Construction Blasting
Noise generated by construction blasting differs from other construction noise because of its frequency content. The audible high frequency portion is accompanied by a non audible, lower...

Detection of Leakage Through Subsurface Barriers Using Guided Acoustic Waves
The primary method for preventing hazardous liquid and leachates from entering the groundwater is the use of a physical barrier. These barriers are susceptible to a number of mechanisms...

Coast of California Storm and Tidal Waves Study: A Regional Coastal Zone Monitoring Program
An integral aspect of the Coast of California Storm and Tidal Waves Study (CCSTWS) was the implementation of a four year comprehensive regional coastal zone monitoring program in 1983....

After Action Report 1983 California Coastal Storms
The winter of 1982-1983 saw some dramatic changes in the worldwide weather patterns that have been attributed to the anomaly known as El Nino. During that winter California was attacked...

Coastal Management Problems in the United Kingdom
Five case-studies from the East coast of England illustrate some of the obstacles facing more enlightened coastal management in the United Kingdom. All the examples demonstrate unsatisfactory...

Prior Planning for Post-Hurricane Reconstruction
Planning for hurricane emergencies has focused upon the period immediately before and after the storm's arrival, emphasizing evacuation and disaster relief. Mitigation of...

Hurricane Evacuation Studies, an Overview of Major Analyses
The purpose of this manuscript is to present the methods employed, the types of data generated and the interrelationships of the major analyses conducted for a hurricane evacuation study....

Foreshore Treatment as a Method of Coastal Protection
This paper describes the damages sustained by a small section of the Vancouver, British Columbia coastline during the passage of a storm in December, 1982. This stretch of protected coastline...

Ebb-Tidal Deltas and Barrier Island Morphology
Offshore depositional features such as ebb-tidal deltas may have significant and perhaps controlling influence on barrier island morphology. These features serve three primary functions....

Geological Processes and Conservation Management Strategies for Barrier Islands of the Virginia Coast Reserve
A barrier island is a sandy deposit that is located immediately offshore and parallels a mainland coast. It is the principal environment of six interactive environments that make up the...

An Update on Corps of Engineers Activities Along the California Coast
Preservation of shorelines around the nation has assumed dramatic importance for the Corps of Engineers and is exemplified by the early attention focused on California's beaches....

Marine Geological Studies on the Coastal Zone of Kerala
The largest of the estuaries in Kerala, the Vembanad lake formed by the backwater, has been investigated in detail with reference to bathymetry, sediments and geochemistry. A considerable...

Erosion of the Nile Delta Coast
The construction of the High Aswan Dam has resulted in a total absence of River Nile flow into the Mediterranean, and a corresponding loss of the sediment source for the Delta. However,...

Experimental Study on Sandbag Stability and Runup
Sandbag model tests are performed in a wave flume to examine the effects of berm-type slopes on the stability of sandbags and wave runup as compared to uniform slopes. Measurements of...

Designing the Fisherman's Wharf Area, San Francisco Harbor Breakwater
The Fisherman's Wharf Breakwater Project stands out as an example of a complex structure requiring the planning and design talents of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE)...

Reef Type Breakwaters for Shoreline Stabilization
The function of reef type breakwaters as a shoreline stabilization measure and the response of the shoreline to these structures are discussed. The application and effectiveness of reef...

Coastal and Ocean Resources for Energy Development
There has been a growing interest in renewable alternative sources of energy. An increasing effort is being directed towards the problem of extracting energy from the world's...

Nonlinear Deformation and Bispectral Change of Random Gravity Waves on Sloping Bed
A WKB-perturbation method is applied to the deformation of random gravity waves in water of slowly varying depth. In the present analysis, a spectral representation of WKB-type is assumed...

Wave Beach Interaction
This paper gives a derivation of the modification factors of wave amplitudes due to the effect of pure shoaling, friction, percolation and their combined effect. The resulting expressions...

A Transformation Technique to Generate a Shallow-Water Directional Wave Climate
The shallow-water wave data must be computed as to be representative of a sufficient length of coast to be useful for most projects, while sufficiently large to filter out many spurious...





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