Numerical Modeling of the Coastal Current Regime at Yaquina Bay, Oregon
The application of a family of hydrodynamic numerical models for simulating tidal and wave-induced currents at Yaquina Bay, Oregon, is described. An overview of four numerical models is...
A Railway Protection?Coastal Structures on Tyrrehenian Calabrian Coastline
The stretch of Calabrian coastline facing the Tyrrehenian Sea has for many years undergone severe erosion, exposing the Battipaglia-Reggio Calabria railtrack to the direct action of waves....
Combination of Cobble and Sill Controls Erosion
Two types of erosion controls that have had their own successes separately - cobble beach nourishment and a modular previous sill - were deployed in a successful combination to protect...
Influence on the Extension of Ondarroa Harbor on Adjacent Beaches
The present article deals with the analysis of the influence of the different Ondarroa Harbour extensions on the adjacent beaches by using a semi-movable model test. These model tests...
Armor Protection for Rubble Mound Breakwaters
A brief summary of past practices in breakwater armor system design is presented. The limitations of current design procedures for rubble mound breakwaters are discussed and improved methods...
Monitoring of Coastal Environment for its Management
The paper briefly explains the features of four coastal laboratories established along the southwest coast of India in 1980 and the data gathered by them during 1980-84. Four coastal piers...
Sea Level Change and Coastal Geomorphology of Padre Island, Mexico
Extending some 244 km from the Rio Bravo (Rio Grande) on the north to the mouth of the Rio Soto la Marina (at La Pesca) on the south, Padre Island, Mexico is comprised locally of several...
Computer Aided Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems
The papers included in this book represent state-of-the-art developments in and applications of computer aided simulation of fluid-structure interaction problems in both the terrestrial...
The NOS Experience in Real-Time Measurements of Tidal Currents
NOAA'S National Ocean Service (NOS) uses the term RADS, Remote Acoustic Doppler Sensing, for a new class of oceanographic instruments that uses acoustic backscatter to probe...
Local Scour Under Waves Oblique to Current
Local scour around a cylindrical pile subjected to waves oblique to current was experimentally studied in a laboratory flume with a wave generator. The mode of wave-current interaction...
Effect of Atmospheric Forcing on Tide Propagation
This paper presents computations and observations indicating that nonlinear interaction with wind waves and subtidal sea level changes can change estuarine motion in the tidal frequency...
Numerical Modeling of Column Separation with Large Pressure Pulses
Liquid transients involving column separation occur in pipelines when the pressure drops to the vapor pressure of the liquid. The collapse of vapor cavities may result in short duration...
Cellular-Automata for Hydrodynamic Modeling
A two-dimensional fluid continuum system can be modeled using a discrete field of particles that interact according to simple deterministic rules. The methodology is called Cellular Automata....
An Efficient, Accurate Technique for Navier-Stokes Solution
Solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for a Newtonian, incompressible fluid (such as water) requires both accuracy in the assuring conservation of mass and efficiency of convergence....
Gradation and Layer Thickness Effects on Riprap
Since riprap has become a costly and in some areas, scarce commodity, proper design maximizing the level of protection with a minimum rock size and layer thickness is an important goal....
Time Averaged Estuarine Mass Transport Equations
A methodology for deriving time averaged mass transport equations for estuaries having weakly nonlinear long wave dynamics is presented. A 2D in-plane advection-dispersion equation for...
Discharge and Depth Behind a Partially Breached Dam
The role that the velocity-distribution correction factor plays in the determination of the flood discharge and corresponding flow depth behind a partially breached dam is investigated....
Design of Overtopping Protection for Small Dams
Many existing small embankment dams in the United States cannot safely pass current design floods without overtopping. In the past several years, embankment overtopping protection has...
Advanced Concept for Generation of Waves in Hydraulic Models
This paper describes a new wavemaker for the generation of naturally occurring waves in physical models of coastal areas. Recent research incorporating directional aspects of monochromatic,...
Mechanics of Embankment Erosion During Overflow
Thousands of dams built in the United States have a potential to be overtopped by flood flows. It is necessary to understand the mechanics of embankment erosion in order to evaluate the...
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