Highway Injuries: Our Major Health Problem
Injuries are the leading cause of death in the United States from early childhood until about age 45. Motor vehicles kill more Americans age 1 to 34 than any other source of injury or...

Allocating Public Funds: Morality and Constraints
The highway safety engineer is continually faced with the trade-off between expenditures for highway safety improvements and reductions in highway fatalities, injuries, and property damage...

The Federal Budgetary Process
The paper outlines the federal budget process as it affects highway safety programs. There are a variety of federal programs which come under the umbrella designation highway safety. Those...

Comparing Benefits of Safety and Non-Safety Programs
The objective of this presentation is to compare benefit-cost ratios for major highway construction projects to those for highway safety projects, such as: (1) new highways, (2) major...

Highway Safety - Planning for the Future
Because motor vehicle traffic is expected to continue to grow, renewed efforts will be required to prevent the problem of motor vehicle crash deaths and injuries growing much larger than...

Plans and Programming for Highway Safety to the Year 2010
Many factors have contributed to improvement in highway safety including more crashworthy vehicle design, increased usage of occupant restraints, growing public intolerance of DWI, and...

Driving in the Fast Track
Fast track concrete allows traffic back on pavement within 24 hours. Fast track concrete has been developing in Iowa for the last three years. Traffic rerouting, an inconvenience that...

Underwater Testing in the Development of EVA Support Systems
The ability to simulate realistic zero-g conditions on Earth is of prime importance in determining if various orbital operations associated with extravehicular activity (EVA) can actually...

Implementing a State PMS
Arizona State Pavement Management System (PMS) is described in this paper. Experience shows that many factors must be considered in deciding how to maintain a particular mile of the road...

AASHTO Design Concepts
The AASHO Road Test of 1958-60 grew out of a need to quantify the effects of increasingly heavier axle and gross loads and varying wheel load configurations on the performance of this...

Future Federal Pavement Policy
Pavement design is entering a new era of increased attention and research insight. Since most of our pavements are in place and under traffic, much of future design will be for their rehabilitation...

What Will Happen to Local Rural Roads and Bridges
Much of the local rural road and bridge system was not designed for the heavy trucks and farm equipment that are currently using the system. The system will continue to deteriorate unless...

Advanced Heavy Vehicle Management Systems
This paper describes a program designed to bring to bear emerging technologies in an integrated system to facilitate heavy vehicle management (HVM). One major initiative is the Heavy Vehicle...

Advanced Vehicle Command and Control System
The Advanced Vehicle Command and Control System (AVCCS) is being developed to solve capacity problems on major urban highways using automation and current technology. The objective of...

Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation Research Findings
A study to improve the procedures for evaluating and rehabilitating concrete pavements was undertaken in 1985. Field and analytical studies have facilitated a new knowledge and understanding...

Safety on 21st Century Highways
Consistently high geometric design standards, adequate pavement skid resistance, drainage and markings, and appropriate signing, delineation and lighting all reduce the potential for driver...

Roadside Safety Design for the Micro-Mini Vehicles
This paper summarizes the results of a study to evaluate the impact performance of widely used roadside safety elements for a 1,500 lb vehicle and to identify potential modifications that...

CARTS: Next Generation in Vehicle Safety Research
The California Automotive Research Test Site (CARTS), is a new joint test facility for use by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the University of California at...

Innovative New Developments in Concrete Slipform Paving Equipment for the 21st Century
The Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982 gave new life back to the concrete paving industry by bringing a welcomed and necessary increase in the volume of concrete paving work....

Portland Cement Concrete Pavement in the 21st Century
The future of Portland Cement Concrete Paving in the 21st Century holds vast challenges that we as industry must be ready to tackle head on. Looking ahead, we see an even more vital role...





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