Roles of Fishing Ports in Local Areas of Japan
In Japan, the utilization of the sea especially in coastal zone has been increased and this tendency will continue in future, because activities on the coastal zone in local areas will...

A Preliminary Study on the Comprehensive Exploitation of Coast Zone Resources in the Southern Fujian
The Pacific tidal wave intrudes the South China Sea through the Bass Strait and travels northward as an 'upgoing wave' to Taiwan Strait affecting the Southern...

Litigating the Invisible Boundaries of Tidelands and Wetlands
The author urges uniformity in standards for establishing the two invisible lines that are dominant in coastal law, i. e. , the main high water line and the wetlands line. A high degree...

Rising Sea Level, Storms, and Coastal Erosion at Ocean City, Maryland
This paper describes the 'greenhouse effect', and its impact on future sea level rise; provides an overview of the possible impacts on Maryland and other coastal...

Project Mixes Oil and Water
The Prudhoe Bay Seawater Treatment Plant was nominated for an OCEA award, for its potential to coax from Alaska's north slope 1 billion barrels of oil which otherwise would...

Simulation of Marsh Growth Under Rising Sea Levels
A method for computation of the rise of a marsh surface is presented that includes the effects of tidal and sea level variations, aggregation and deposition of cohesive suspended sediments,...

A Two-Dimensional Numerical Model of Thermal Discharges in Coastal Regions
This paper describes a two-dimensional numerical model of thermal discharges in coastal regions. The model uses potential flow theory to calculate the ambient velocity field of the coastal...

SEDIMOT II Application to a Large Coastal Watershed
SEDIMOT II was applied to Barker Reservoir watershed in Houston, Texas, in order to simulate sedimentation in the drainage area and the relative effectiveness of sediment control strategies....

Hydrothermal Model Study of Stratified Flow in a Power Plant Cooling Water Recycle/Intake Canal: Reynolds and Densimetric Froude Number Effects
During the winter of 1983-1984, the control of frazil ice at the trash tracks using pneumatic air guns was evaluated at Danskammer Point Generating Station. This paper presents a brief...

Data Acquisition in USACRREL'S Flume Facility
A computerized data acquisition system has been developed that is based on a Hewlett-Packard 9845B desktop computer. The system allows determination of highly accurate water temperatures,...

3-D Orthogonal Curvilinear Circulation Modelling
A three-dimensional circulation model has been developed using an orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. The model as constructed is capable of simulations on a variety of time and...

Tidal Modelling on IBM Microcomputers
The finite element code, QUIET, for the simulation of two-dimensional shallow water flow has been adapted from its mainframe form for use on the IBM PC, PC/XT, or AT. The model uses of...

Cazenovia Creek Model Data Acquisition System
The purpose of the model is to reproduce river ice breakup phenomena for optimizing the design of an ice control structure. The performance of the ice control structure during a simulated...

Instrumentation for an Uplifting Ice Force Model
Pile-supported, light duty structures are especially vulnerable to the uplifting forces. To evaluate the parameters that control the magnitude of the uplifting force a laboratory model...

A Microcomputer Dispersivity Evaluation Method for Thick Aquifers
The Littoral Environment Observation (LEO) program uses volunteer observers recruited to obtain daily visual observations of such coastal variables as breaker height, wave period, direction...

Acoustic Silt Density Measurement
Significant savings can be achieved on the costs of operations for the deepening and maintenance of navigation channels and harbor basins in muddy areas provided that computations are...

Aquaculture in Dredged Material Containment Areas
The beneficial use of active dredged material containment areas through aquaculture appears to offer, under certain circumstances, benefits to the Federal government, municipal and industrial...

Controlling River Ice to Alleviate Ice Jam Flooding
Many communities affected by ice jam flooding have accepted the event as unpreventable. Others have approached their problem as one of open channel flow and implemented standard projects...

Salmon River Ice Jams
The ice conditions on the river during the freeze-up period and the simple analytical model used to predict the advance of the ice cover leading edge are documented. Ice cover thicknesses...

Thermal Breakup Predictions on a Regulated River
The thermal breakup process which occurs on the Peace River in Alberta, Canada is described. A quantitative technique which uses the energy budget to explain the celerity of the breakup...





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