Manatee County Plans for Environmental Protection
Faced with a projected population increase of 53 percent by the year 2000, Manatee County, Florida, is protecting its water resources by developing a regional wastewater facilities program...

Well Rehabilitation Using Decision Tree Analysis
The decision tree concept of decision analysis theory can be easily adapted to the water and wastewater industry in making spending decisions for rehabilitation programs, renewal and replacement...

Town Lake: An Environmental Impact Assessment
The City of Dallas, Texas, had little experience with environmental impact assessments of major capital improvements projects. Yet when deciding whether to build a 110,000,000 urban lake,...

Maintenance Management for a Large Urban Waterworks System
The Boston Water and Sewer Commission (BWSC) owns and operates a water distribution system consisting of 86,000 customer accounts and 1,100 miles of water mains. In 1984, BWSC initiated...

Boston MDC Experience With Chloramine Disinfection
In May, 1982, as a condition for approval of plans for improvements to the Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) chlorination facility at Norumbega Reservoir, the Massachusetts Department...

Achieving a Truly Accessible Urban Waterfront
In some states or regions public access to the shoreline can be mandated through a Commission created by Legislation, as in the San Francisco Bay. This situation, however, is not the norm....

Regional Waterfront Planning Without a Superagency: Can Existing Agencies Fill the Gap?
As far back as 1966, the Regional Plan Association saw the potential for mixed use development of underutilized and vacant land along New Jersey's Hudson River Waterfront....

The Arcata Marshes: A Case Study in Wetland Restoration
In Humboldt County, California, the City of Arcata has developed an innovative wetland restoration program. The three major projects were funded by the State Coastal Conservancy and consist...

Hazard Mitigation Efforts in the Ocean City, Maryland Area
During a low frequency storm event, there is a considerable hazard along the bay shoreline of Ocean City as a result of high water flowing back over the barrier toward the ocean. The purpose...

More on Japan's Inland Sea Coastal Citizen Movements
In this paper, an attempt is made to update the information on the three coastal citizen movements in the Seto Inland Sea region of Japan that were prsented by this author at CZ'83,...

On the Implementation of the Coastal Law
The 3rd draft of the Regulation for the Coastal Zone Management of Jiangsu Province has been worked out and is being examined by the Provincial People's Government. The coastal...

Rising Sea Level, Storms, and Coastal Erosion at Ocean City, Maryland
This paper describes the 'greenhouse effect', and its impact on future sea level rise; provides an overview of the possible impacts on Maryland and other coastal...

A Study of Selected Environmental Parameters of Small Coastal Lagoons as a Function of Extent of Urban Development, Hydraulics of the Tidal Inlet, and Hydrology of the Contributing Drainage Area
In coastal areas many small brackish water lagoons or embayments connected to the sea by small tidal inlets are at tractive to residential and commercial developers, especially those emphasizing...

Recent Developments
The Foothills Project has been under consideration by the Denver Board of Water Commissions for many years. It is one of the major steps in the continued efforts of the Board to provide...

Unique Installation Methods for Large Interceptor in Poor Soil Conditions
The construction of approximately 1. 5 miles of a major sewer interceptor in downtown Boston encountered some unique construction challenges. The entire route required dewatering during...

Floodplain Modeling for the Henry Street Basin
A study focusing on the primary conveyance system in the 5. 7 mi**2 Henry Street Drainage Basin in Hillsborough County, Florida was conducted to develop remedial measures for the control...

A Shoppers Guide to Urban Stormwater Micro Software
Due to limited information provided by the ads, potential users may need to call or write to several vendors (or perhaps even purchase several packages) before finding one to meet their...

Urban Stormwater Investigations by the U.S. Geological Survey
Urban stormwater hydrology studies in the U. S. Geological Survey are currently focused on compilation of national data bases containing flood-peak and short time-interval rainfall, discharge...

Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds (TR-55 Rev.)
A microcomputer program is being prepared for the upcoming revision of the Soil Conservation Service's 'Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds,' Technical...

A Quick Micro-Computer Urban Runoff Model
The Penn State Direct Hydrograph Model PSDH described in this paper uses watershed and rainfall data to generate a synthetic unit hydrograph and a runoff hydrograph, both gamma-distributed....





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