Integrating Traffic and Air Quality Modeling Techniques to Predict Pollutant Concentrations Near Intersections
Many cities are considering transportation management measures and/or tailpipe emission controls to reduce the pollution associated with traffic congestion. A major difficulty is the expensive...

The Effectiveness of Telecommuting as a Transportation Control Measure
This paper examines the potential of telecommuting as a strategy for managing travel demand. In particular, the paper focuses on the travel and air quality implications of telecommuting....

Risk Analysis in Water Resources Engineering: Development and Application
Traditional engineering approaches for evaluating safety and performance in technical projects are usually based on conceptual modeling and the application of engineering standards. Risk...

Integrated Assessment of Environmental Risk and Human Response
Meaningful risk assessment for environmental problems requires an integrated consideration of physical science and human behavioral issues. This is particularly true when dissaggregate...

Controlled Braking on Uneven Roads
The braking process of a passenger car may be influenced by a large number of variables relating to driver, vehicle, brake system, tire-road interaction and ambient conditions. Because...

A Knowledge Based System with Uncertainty for the Soil
In this paper, we present the methodology that we used to develop the KBSOL Knowledge Based System for the soil. We describe the structure that contains the objects of the domain (layer,...

Reliability of Controlled Structures Subject to Real Parameter Uncertainties
This paper presents a systematic and probabilistically consistent approach for determining the likelihood that instability will result from the uncertainty inherently present in a controlled...

Effect of Active Control to Structural Reliability
Most available results in the study of structural reliability deal with idealized mathematical representation of structures. With model supported diagnosis of the structural condition...

A Two-Stage Safety Assessment Methodology for Construction Activities
The control of construction activities requires the evaluation of the condition of the control attributes of interest. In order to develop the required methodology, a model of the construction...

What Makes a Quality Paper?
A good paper is one that is easy for members of the intended audience to read and understand. It must contain an informative abstract. The introduction should include information on why...

Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Drainage
Research has shown that improved drainage increases peak runoff rates and pollutant loads compared to natural conditions. However improved drainage on agricultural lands may reduce outflow...

Degradation of Ground Water by Tetrachloroethylene
Ground water from many municipal water wells in California has been degraded by tetrachloroethylene (PCE) at concentrations above the drinking water standard. Investigations conducted...

Case Study: Design of Groundwater Quality Monitoring Systems
This paper demonstrates the fundamental aspects of the design an implementation of state-of-the-art groundwater monitoring system, using conventional design principles. Based on experiences...

Use of D-C Resistivity to Map Saline Ground Water
It has been estimated in previous studies that 23 square miles of the Oxnard aquifer, a member of a multi-layered aquifer system beneath the Oxnard plain in Ventura County, California,...

Principles of Ground-Water Protection
Successful wellhead protection activities depend on a thorough knowledge of the ground-water flow system and an understanding of how contaminants migrate through geologic formations. Once...

Connecticut's Wellhead Protection Program
Connecticut's Wellhead Protection Program was the first in the country to receive EPA approval and remains one of the strongest programs in the nation. The program is based on comprehensive...

Oklahoma's Ground Water Protection Strategy
This report examines Oklahoma's developing ground water protection strategy in light of the national strategy. We look first at relevant federal legislation and what EPA expects of a state...

Use of the TETrans Model in Predicting ET Effects on Groundwater Quality
Recently Corwin and Waggoner (1991) developed a contaminant transport software package referred to as TETrans, (acronym for Trace Element Transport). TETrans is a useful preliminary assessment...

Predicting Water Quality as Affected by ET Using the Root Zone Water Quality Model
The Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) is a physically based simulation model used to predict water and solute movement running from, moving through, and leaching out of the root zone....

Water Quality Effects on Eucalyptus ET
The researchers are testing established methods for measuring evapotranspiration (ET) from a 6-year old plantation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis containing about 3,000 trees per ha in a...





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