Rehabbing the U.S.
When it comes to protecting its $1.4 trillion investment in public-works infrastructure, the U.S. has been like a homeowner who puts off fixing a leak until the ceiling lands on his head....

Remediation and Mitigation Associated with Contamination of Water by Irrigation Drainage
Inorganic trace constituent or pesticide contamination problems associated with irrigation drainage from Federally constructed or managed irrigation projects have been identified in several...

The Carson and Truckee Rivers Lifeline in the Desert
Nevada is the most arid state in the nation with an average annual precipitation of less than 9 inches (23 cm) over the 110,500 square miles (286,200 sq km). The Truckee, Carson, and Walker...

Out of the Lab...and into the Field?
Materials experts know very little about concrete's basic structure. Now, though, engineers at a research center sponsored by the National Science Foundation are working on...

Wellington's Lifelines in Earthquake Project: An Outline of a Major Review
This paper outlines a project involving a major review of all lifelines including building services in the region of Wellington, New Zealand. A case study approach was used involving representatives...

Philosophy for Treatment of High-Pressure Natural Gas Pipelines at Active Fault Crossings
Natural gas from fields in the overthrust belt of southwest Wyoming will be collected and transported to Southern California. The proposed Kern River Pipeline will transport gas to Daggett,...

Lessons Not Learned from the Catastrophic Collapse of Highway Structures in the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake
Most of the damage sustained from the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake in Northern California was not a surprise to civil engineers and knowledgeable building officials. As early as the 1900s,...

Public Agency Issues in the Implementation of IVHS
Public agencies will be extensively involved in the deployment, maintenance, and operation of IVHS infrastructure. The existing fragmentation of transportation responsibilities will require...

Bus Pre-Emption: A Real Time Control Strategy for Privatized Transit Operation
Bus pre-emption strategies are designed to provide priority to transit buses over passenger cars for urban travel. A comparative analysis of a proposed suburban bus service for regular...

Design for IVHS Safety: Technology Assessment
The development of an Intelligent Vehicle/Highway System (IVHS) will require methodologies for predicting and controlling system safety. In principle, these methodologies should include...

Wegwijs?Amsterdam?A Dual Mode Routeguidance Plan
Wegwijs-Amsterdam stands for a plan to test the feasibility of a dual-mode route-guidance system based on a network of beacons which give the driver route-guidance to reach a pre-selected...

The Marina Environment from a Boaters Point of View
A discussion of the benefits and problems encountered by the recreational boater as a tenant of both the public and private marinas in Southern California is presented....

Development of Marina Facilities on the Southern California Coast
The Southern California coastal region has developed recreational boating facilities through the use of existing bays, creation of new inland water areas and the construction of small...

Public/Private Ventures?Southern California
Recreational small craft harbors in Southern California have been and continue to be big business and were forerunners to government's current interest in generating new revenue...

New Marina Regulations for Delaware: A Case Study in Conflict Resolution?
On 20 March 1989, Governor Castle of Delaware issued Executive Order No. 70 which instituted a moratorium on new marina permits until the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental...

Lessons from Hurricane Hugo: Recommendations for Marina Operation and Design
Hurricanes are not new to South Carolina, but with the recent development of the coast, many new and unseasoned boaters have located in the area. Since Hurricane Hazel in 1954, South Carolina...

Marina Parking Study
This marina parking study establishes a rationale for determining parking demand at marinas on the north shore of Long Island Sound in Connecticut and New York. The study was performed...

Facility Accessibility Through Barrier-Free Design
This paper will outline the background, methodology and approval process used in developing national uniform design standards for barrier-free access to public boating and fishing facilities....

Regarding Nature as Raw or Cooked
Tensions between nature and technological culture are mounting as never before. On one side are the deep ecologists who claim the industrial capitalist system has raped the world of nature....

Is It Good Business to Be a Citizen Engineer?
When does community involvement cloud the engineer's judgment? Does the engineer have to sacrifice business success in the name of public service? The first canon in the ASCE...





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