Analysis of Pile Load Tests at Lock and Dam 26
This is a summary of the results collected during the extensive load test program performed by the U.S. Army Engineer District, St. Louis, during the construction of the new Lock and Dam...

Interpretation of Load Tests on Drilled Shafts?Part 1: Axial Compression
Existing interpretation methods for axial compression load tests are reviewed critically, and a qualitative and quantitative comparison is made for selected methods. A simplified method,...

Interpretation of Load Tests on Drilled Shafts?Part 2: Axial Uplift
Existing interpretation methods for axial uplift load tests are reviewed critically, and a qualitative and quantitative comparison is made for selected methods. A new method, which fulfills...

Interpretation of Load Tests and Drilled Shafts?Part 3: Lateral and Moment
Existing interpretation methods for lateral and moment load tests are reviewed critically, and a qualitative and quantitative comparison is made for selected methods. A new method is proposed...

Interpretation of Instrumented Driven Steel Pipe Piles
This paper presents the results of a series of studies on the behavior of driven close-ended steel pipe piles. Extensive field explorations and geotechnical analyses have been carried...

Cost Effective Pile Foundation Supports Fast Track Paper Mill
This paper decribes the generalized subsurface conditions, pile evaluation and load test program, pile and piling contractor selection, production pile installation, and quality assurance...

Innovative Foundation Designs for Permafrost Conditions in the Arctic
This paper describes the engineering solution to restore the structural properties of permafrost at a site location in the Western Operating Area of the Prudhoe Bay Field. Steel pile supports...

Reliability in Foundation Engineering Practice
The value and use of reliability concepts in foundation engineering practice are explored, with a focus on two complementary approaches. In the first, macroscopic and action-oriented,...

Low-Level Waste Disposal Design: An Overview
Low-Level radioactive waste disposal is regulated by several agencies. Mixed waste, which is both radioactive and chemically hazardous is regulated by two agencies with potentially different...

Pressure Relief Design Around Pumping Plants
Hydraulic transient protection for an irrigation pipeline pump station can include optimized operating procedures, or design of surge relief equipment such as surge relief valves, and...

Locating and Sizing Air Release Valves on Irrigation Systems
This writing is directed to persons involved in irrigation systems and describes the usage of air release and vacuum valves. Principles described are applicable to many other piping systems,...

A Report on 18 Warning Systems in America
Of all weather related disasters in the United States, floods are the primary cause of death, and most flood related deaths result from flash floods. One of the major changes in flash...

Reliability of Bank Protection Works Subject to Erosion
Sediment movement and changes of bed levels in natural rivers are non-stationary processes. The design of protection works for structures against erosion should account for the time dependency...

Model Study of Side Slope Riprap
Laboratory experiments were conducted in 10-m long channels having 1.5 H : 1 V side slopes protected with a 20.7-mm diameter rock layer 1.5 diameters thick. Four models were tested. In...

TVA: A Half-Century of Sedimentation Experience
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is a regional resource development agency, created by the United States Congress in 1933 and charged with bringing to the Tennessee River watershed...

Bank Failure and Erosion on the Illinois Waterway
In 1988, bank failure and erosion on the Illinois Waterway were evaluated. Banks were inspected from the air and from a motor vessel; thirty-one sites were examined in detail. Severe erosion...

Hydraulic Mechanisms of Riverbank Erosion
Recent efforts are described to develop an improved understanding of bank failure due to piping in noncohesive layers in riverbanks. The efforts included field surveys and laboratory tests....

Geotechnical Aspects of River Bank Erosion
The principal geotechnical mechanisms of river bank failure are identified on the basis of extensive field investigations on many different river systems. The role of each factor depends...

Incremental Damage Assessment (IDA) For Lake Darling Dam
An Incremental Damage Assessment (IDA) has been completed for Lake Darling Dam, located on the Souris River, near Minot, North Dakota [1]. The IDA has indicated that a reduction in flood...

Peak Outflow From a Breached Embankment Dam
A relation for rapidly predicting the peak outflow rate from a breached embankment dam has been presented. The prediction equation is based on reliable data from 19 embankment dam failures...





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