Environmental Impact Assessment and the Conservation of Marine Biological Diversity
Legislation is pending to include assessment of biodiversity in the Environmental Impact Statement process and revise the National Environmental Policy Act to better address the conservation...

Golf Course Development Concerns in Coastal Zone Management
The rapid growth of golf course development in South Carolina's coastal zone presents new challenges in protecting coastal water and wetlands. While filling or dredging of...

The States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force
The States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force, consisting of government representatives from Washington, British Columbia, Alaska, Oregon, and California, formed in 1989 in response...

California's Oil Spill Prevention and Cleanup Preparedness?Anatomy of an Emerging Public Policy
This paper provides a discussion and analysis of the development of oil spill prevention and cleanup policy in California, particularly as it evolved after the major oil spills in the...

Oil-Spill Contingency Planning for OCS Operations
Oil-spill preparedness and response have been an important part of the Minerals Management Service (MMS) regulatory program since the Santa Barbara spill in 1969. The focus of the spill...

Marina Refuse and Recycling Facilities
Because of widespread concern regarding the impacts of plastic refuse on marine life, forty-one nations are now party to a treaty which prohibits the disposal of plastics at sea, restricts...

The Future of Nonpoint Source Pollution Management
The Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments (CZARA) of 1990 have brought the first major revisions to the CZMA in ten years. Section 6217 of the new legislation describes the requirements...

Alaska Coastal Management Program: Development of the Coastal Zone Boundary
The Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 required participating states to identify areas subject to a state management program, or delineate a coastal zone boundary. Alaska's...

Organic Compound Modelling in Tidal Waters
For a case study, different types of models of the entire harbor of Hamburg were developed. Some of these models are useful for describing oil transport in the case of an accident (e.g.,...

Building a Regional Consensus for Ecosystem Management: The Gulf of Maine Experience
This paper will review the genesis of the Gulf of Maine Program, a regional marine protection initiative undertaken by the states and provinces bordering this international water body....

Borderline Estuaries and Interstate Management Programs
Estuaries bordered by more than one state authority often suffer from contrasting and/or conflicting management practices along the shores of a continuous body of water. Management strategies...

Pollution Control Strategies of the Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan: Puget Sound Water Quality Authority
In 1988 EPA designated Puget Sound as an estuary of national significance under section 320 of the Clean Water Act. Due to its natural beauty, favorable climate, and economic health, the...

The Present State of the Adriatic Sea Sanitation Program
Several consecutive years of frightening phenomena in the Adriatic Sea, which have made a great impact on the tourist economy, have demonstrated the need for rapid and effective sanitation...

A Four-Point Strategy for Improving Coastal Water Quality
Pollution from point- and non-point sources has altered the basic chemical and physical composition of near-shore waters. At the same time we are bombarding bays and estuaries with a steady...

The Development of a Coastal Water Quality Management Strategy in Ecuador
The quality of coastal waters is deteriorating in virtually every country of the world. Concerned groups and individuals in countries with scarce financial, technical and political resources...

The Torres Strait Baseline Study: Environmental Protection of a Tropical Marine Environment in Northern Australia
This paper discusses the potential impacts of mining in the Fly River catchment area of Papua New Guinea on the Torres Strait marine environment and the customary ways of life of the Torres...

A Baseline Study of Trace Metals in Marine Organisms from Ghana, West Africa
As part of the Joint FAO/IOC/WHO/IAEA/UNEP Project on monitoring of pollution in the marine environment of the West and Central African region, 279 samples representing 17 families and...

Sampling Strategies Proposed to Monitor Guanabara Bay, RJ, Brasil
Guanabara Bay is characterized as a tropical system of estuarine nature and high biological productivity, that undergoes serious environmental problems. Despite its advanced state of degradation,...

Citizen Monitoring Component of the Maryland Targeted Watershed Project
The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay has conducted a water quality testing program using volunteers since July of 1985. This program has laid the foundation for volunteers to help Bay managers...

Marina Regulation Studies
This report presents options for Virginia to consider in the development of a state program for controlling houseboat wastes. It is anticipated that overboard discharges of waste will...





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