Circulation Modelling and Water Quality Prediction
A circulation and water quality modelling system for use in areas where horizontal transport is dominating is presented. The water quality can either be described as BOD-DO processes or...

Modeling Tidal and Wind Driven Circulation in Sarasota and Tampa Bay
As part of an effort to quantify the effects of hydrodynamics on water quality within Sarasota Bay, Tampa Bay and their adjoining waters, a field and modeling study of circulation and...

Control of Contaminant Transport in Estuaries
This paper describes the development of a computational procedure for the adaptive control of hazardous releases in a vertically-mixed estuary. In particular, the control strategy is aimed...

Water Quality Modelling: Prediction of the Transport of Water Constituents in the Weser Estuary (Germany)
Water quality monitoring of the Weser estuary is carried out in conjunction with numerical modelling of the transport processes. For analytical and prognostical studies, and especially...

Numerical Simulation of a Shallow Estuary?Weeks Bay, Alabama
This paper describes a study of Weeks Bay, Alabama, an estuary located on the eastern shore of Mobile Bay in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In this study the WIFM model is used to simulate...

A Three-Dimensional Simulation of Buoyancy and Wind-Induced Circulation and Mixing in the New York Bight
A three-dimensional simulation of the circulation and mixing in the New York Bight has been conducted, forced by (i) wind stress for the year 1987 and monthly-mean heat fluxes at the sea...

Numerical Simulation of Tidally Induced Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics of New York Bight
A time-varying three-dimensional (3D) numerical hydrodynamic model has been applied to the coupled New York Bight, Long Island Sound, and Hudson River flow system. The modeling effort...

Assessing Cu(II) Speciation and Transport in the New York Bight
The New York Bight had been receiving waste disposals, dredged spoils and acid dumps for the past 30-40 years causing accumulation of trace metals such as Cu(II) in water and sediment....

A PC-Based Integrated Water Quality Impact and Analysis System
An integrated water quality model system (WQ Shell) has been developed for the PC. The system is designed to provide an easy-to-use graphical interface which integrates geographical and...

Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Modeling of Lower Green Bay
A confined disposal facility (CDF) for dredged material presently exists in lower Green Bay, Wisconsin. A planned expansion of the CDF is being studied to assess its impact on current...

Impact of Breakwater Removal on Hydrodynamics and Water Quality in Flushing Bay, New York
Hydrodynamic and water quality models were used to simulate the potential effect of removing a breakwater to increase flushing and improve water quality in Flushing Bay, New York City....

Pollutant Transport Modelling in Large River Plumes
The Niagara River plume in Lake Ontario and the Fraser River plume in the Strait of Georgia are of similar spatial dimensions, and arise from rivers with comparable discharge. Both rivers...

Grouting Against Hazwaste
Grouting has only recently entered the hazardous-waste arena, mainly in the form of positive cutoff slurry walls. At an industrial landfill near Niagara Falls, N.Y., a three sided, single-line...

The Last Freeway
Ever since what's now known as the Pasadena Freeway was completed in 1940, Los Angeles has been synonymous with the freeway�first with the ease and speed of transport it represented...

Housing Chernobyl Relocatees
The April 1986 explosion of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Reactor 4 in northern Ukraine Commonwealth spread nuclear contamination assisted by southerly winds across hundreds of miles...

Transportation Planning Requirements of the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAAs) of 1990: A Highway Perspective
The transportation community faces many challenges ahead, as it tries to meet the Nation's mobility needs, reduce congestion levels, and improve air quality. Traffic congestion is increasing...

Opportunities for Improved Transportation Planning
The approaches, technical procedures, and analytical methodologies utilized for urban transportation planning need to be improved if the intent of the 1990 amendments to the Clean Air...

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission's Anticipated Response to the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
By virtue of its charter to provide continuing, cooperative and comprehensive planning, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) has a commitment to adopt and maintain...

San Francisco Bay Area's Experience Developing Transportation Control Measures for Air Quality Plans
The San Francisco Bay Area has included Transportation Control Measures (TCMs) in air quality planning efforts since the early 1970s. Growing concern for traffic congestion has enhanced...

The Clean Air Act: Opportunities for the Transit Industry
The 1990 Federal Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) have opened up new opportunities for transit agencies, especially those in large urban areas with the worst air pollution problems. The...





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