BMP for Control of Agricultural Nonpoint Source Flow
Nine ha of spring wheat were sprinkle irrigated with drainwater from 15 subsurface drains. The objective was to demonstrate that use of drainwater for irrigation improves the net efficiency...

Reversibility Measures for Sustainable Decisions
Increasing stress on the environment and current norms of sustainable development have prompted the formalization of new approaches to decision making. This may be achieved through the...

Risk as a Sustainable Development Criteria
Project alternatives can be compared on a relative basis when all factors contributing to social, environmental and economic risks are weighed by all the stakeholders concerned. It is...

Mixing Influences on Cement-Based Waste Forms
High-shear, medium-shear, and low-shear mixing tests were conducted on paste and paste + fly-ash mixes: The specimens, cured for 28-days, were tested for free water generation, compressive...

Innovative Effluent Management for Sustainability
The City of San Jose, California (USA) has developed an original, integrated approach to managing wastewater treatment plant effluent and preserving the receiving water ecosystem. Highlights...

A Process Unit Based Approach to Media-Integrated Waste Minimization: A Paint Manufacturing Case Study
Research conducted at the School of Engineering, University of Guelph, has developed a media-integrated waste minimization plan for a major Ontario paint and coatings manufacturer. The...

Modeling the Lake Decatur Watershed in Illinois to Evaluate Effects of Best Management Practices on Nitrate Loading
The Illinois State Water Survey recently completed a two-year monitoring and modeling study of the Lake Decatur watershed in Illinois to develop land use management alternatives that would...

Neural Networks Predict Pesticide Leaching
The goal of this work was to determine whether artificial neural networks (ANN) can be used to predict the percentage of applied pesticide that leaches through 50 cm of turfgrass covered...

Identifying Potential Trophic Relationships and Bioaccumulation Pathways between Fish and Invertebrates
A large ocean monitoring database was used to quantify relationships between demersal fish, epibenthic macroinvertebrates (EMI) and benthic infauna that provide potential pathways for...

Uncertainty in Comparative Analysis with Continuous Nonpoint Source Pollution Models
There have been few attempts to quantify the impact of parameter uncertainty in comparative analysis with continuous nonpoint source pollution models. This paper presents the results of...

Retention-Tank Systems: A Unique Operating Practice for Managing Complex Waste Streams at Research and Development Facilities
The importance of preventing the introduction of prohibited contaminants to the sanitary sewer is critical to the management of large federal facilities such as the Lawrence Livermore...

Modeling SSO's Resulting from Peak Conditions
Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD) is undertaking the installation and maintenance of a computerized collection and transmission model and peak flow management study. Through...

Design and Construction of the Santa Ana River Wash Crossing of the Inland Feeder
The Inland Feeder Pipeline passes beneath the Santa Ana River in Southern California. The flood plain of the river provides the habitat for two endangered species and to avoid surface...

Non-Federal Flood Control Works Inspection Program
This paper presents a general description of the Non-Federal FCW Inspection Program and results obtained from the evaluations already completed. A discussion of the GIS package for data...

Border Environment Cooperation Commission: 1995 Year End Status Report
1995...What a year! The Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC) opened its doors in February 1995, to lay the foundations of the organization whose purpose is to identify, develop,...

Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Water Resources Management
Two major topics related to water resources management in coastal areas due to the impact of sea level rise are drainage problems/flood control and change of estuarine processes. Issues...

Public Attitudes, Behavior, and the Willingness to Sacrifice to Mitigate Uncertain Adversity: Water Management Implications for Climate Change
Although several scholars have touted the emergence of a new environmentalism, many Americans seem to make decisions that do not reflect green thinking. Examples include driving more miles...

Stormwater Management Plan Updated for Climate System Changes
When large watershed stormwater management plans are updated, climate system change factors due to global warming effects should be considered. Climate system changes may cause changes...

A Study into Effectiveness of Urban Best Management Practises
The author present an ongoing research project into the effectiveness of two wetland Best Management Practises. The research methodology and site setup are presented. The research objective...

Testing and Effectiveness of a New Urban BMP Stormceptor?*
Stormwater management for water quality control, pollution prevention and pretreatment can be a difficult problem for the development design professional, a costly and time consuming problem...





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