Downloading and Micro-Analysis of Data
The microcomputer is ideal for ad hoc analysis while the mainframe is better for storing data. Downloading data from a mainframe computer to a PC takes advantage of the strengths of both...

Portable Micros in Transportation Data Collection
The use of mainframe, mini and microcomputers has become widespread among transportation engineers and planners as a means of improving the comprehensiveness and accuracy of data analysis...

Control of Construction Equipment Processes
Transportation projects have long involved some of the most equipment-intensive field construction operations. They are already benefitting from automation in concrete batch plants, slip-form...

Applications of Microcomputers for Bridge Design
This paper examines the role of microcomputers in the design divisions of state departments of transportation, specifically in bridge design applications. Consideration is given primarily...

Roadway Alignment Design Using Microcomputers
This paper describes 'Road Design V. 1. 0,' a set of horizontal and vertical alignment routines contained in the Apple software library used by the Department...

Infrastructure Rehabilitation: New Technologies
The paper discusses developments in a number of areas that may be brought to bear on the problems of infrastructure deterioration and rehabilitation. Among the subjects discussed weekly...

Construction Research Applied to Practice
The five papers compiled in these proceedings of the ASCE technical session Construction Research Applied to Practice represent important contributions to the construction industry. Four...

Tunneling Operations and Equipment
The papers included in the Proceedings describe four diverse tunneling prjects of varying diameters, design criteria, ground conditions and construction techniques undertaken at locations...

Vibration Problems in Geotechnical Engineering
This volume constitutes the Proceedings of a two-session Symposium whose main objective is to address geotechnical issues related to vibration problems other than those associated with...

Energy Forecasting
When the traditional stability of growth in demand for electricity was disrupted in the mid-1970's, forecasters and planners were forced to reconsider their existing procedures....

Tunnel Shotcreting�Strength in Fibers
Steel fiber reinforced shotcrete (SFRS) costs less, has a lower rate of rebound and allows modern excavating equipment to advance with fewer interruptions than conventional shotcrete....

Simplified Design and Construction Control for Roller Compacted Concrete
This paper presents a simplified approach to the design and construction quality control of roller compacted concrete (RCC) based on research of previous projects, discussions with experienced...

Upper Stillwater Dam Construction Program
Utilizing both proven and innovative construction techniques, equipment, and design concepts, Tyger Construction Company Inc. , located in Spartanburg, South Carolina, has undertaken the...

Curved Sewers: Yes or No?
A study of curved sewer use in Southern California examines sewer design and maintenance of curved versus straight sewers. A telephone survey of personnel in design and maintenance of...

Experience with Small Computers in Construction at North Dakota State University
The Construction Management and Engineering Department at North Dakota State University is assisting the regional contractors in developing the necessary tools to improve management of...

Automated Control and Robotics for Construction
This paper addresses the potential for automated process control and robotics for remote, large-scale field operations such as those on construction engineering projects. Combining selected...

State of the Art: Rock Tunneling
In the past twenty years, improvements have been made in the quality of geotechnical information on tunnel projects. Even with good exploratory information, it remains difficult to predict...

Groundwater State of the Art: Is It Adequate?
Representatives from academia, engineering firms, trade associations, and government outline what they believe are the major needs in research, equipment, education and government programs...

Retrofitting Lifeline Facilities: The Japanese Approach
A brief history of the prediction of a major earthquake in the Tokai Area of Japan is reviewed. Planning and mitigation incorporating all levels of government and the private sector is...

Intermountain Power Project Seismic Design
Coal-fueled generation units of the Intermountain Power Project are constructed in a seismically active area of Utah (UBC Zone 3). The seismic design criteria were published during the...





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