Urban Hydrology and Catchment Research in the United Kingdom - Progress Since 1979
The Wallingford Procedure for the design and analysis of urban drainage systems was released in late 1981 for use by drainage engineers in the United Kingdom. This was the most significant...

Progress in Urban Hydrology in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1979
The importance of urban water problems have been increasingly realized in the 70's also in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). State authorities, communities, universities,...

Urban Runoff Research in Poland - Progress Since 1979
Research concerning urban hydrology in the scope necessary for drainage and urban runoff is financed in Poland within the framework of the Government Research Program Development and utilization...

Prgoress Since 1979 in India
Since India is a developing nation urban flood control benefits which are 'negative goods' have a low priority. Recently there is an increased awareness in India...

Current Status of Urban Hydrology in Venezuela
Rapid population growth and the concentration of almost 40% of the total population (1981 Census) in the narrow valleys of the northern mountain ranges, a tropical climate with a very...

Progress on IHP Project A.2.9.
The initial work of Unesco in the area of urban hydrology was done by the Subgroup on the Effects of Urbanization on the Hydrological Environment during the International Hydrologic Decade...

Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
The Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering covers all phases of irrigation, drainage, engineering hydrology, and related water management subjects, such as watershed management, weather modification,...

The Booming Business in Wick Drains
Prefabricated vertical wick drains, used to improve weak, saturated soils, have been used in Japan and Europe for 20 years but were introduced in the U.S. only four years ago. Since then...

Natural Treatment Systems in Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Management
Criteria defining performance of natural wastewater treatment and sludge management systems are presented. Objectives of natural treatment systems are to help treat municipal wastewater...

Environmentally Sound Water and Soil Management
These proceedings contain the papers and abstracts presented at the 1982 Irrigation and Drainage Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers Specialty Conference held in Orlando,...

Urban Runoff Control Technology
As urban drainage management has moved from basic research, interest has turned to technologies suitable for the control of drainage quantity and quality. This paper summarizes, through...

Principles of Project Formulation for Irrigation and Drainage Projects
Prepared by the Technical Committee on Project Formulation for Irrigation and Drainage Systems of the Irrigation and Drainage Division of ASCE. This...

Dike Safety Upgraded with Millions of Square Feet of Fabric
Nonwoven fabrics of two different weights were used in an $80 million dike reconstruction project in southern Florida. Florida Power & Light Company rebuilt the embankment to a...

Flood Routing Program
This is the fourth article in Civil Engineering�ASCE's computer series. A BASIC language program is presented for routing floods through storage reservoirs or detention basins...

Wicks, Fabrics and Sawdust Overcome Thick Mud
A new Dumbarton bridge is replacing the original which was built in 1927 to cross San Francisco Bay at its southern end. The bridge approaches are constructed on top of salt ponds, with...

Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation and Drainage Systems
Although technical literature concerning the planning, design and construction of irrigation and drainage projects is extensive, this manual aims to fill the gap concerning the operation...

Roof Design: Avoid Ponding by Sloping to Drain
Roofing contractors recommend that roofs possess enough slope to permit complete drainage within 48 hours of rainfall. Otherwise ponds will form which can cause leakage and even contribute...

How about Reverse Filters
Reverse or inverted filters allow water to drain freely without carrying away suspended solids. Their pore size must be properly related to the fines being protected. Terzaghi's...

Mount St. Helens Eruption�Impact and Civil Engineering Response
The May 18 eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington state, estimated to have the energy equivalent of a 20 to 50 megaton atom bomb, did tremendous damage. It destroyed an estimated 160...

Atlanta's New Airport Terminal�One Year Early, Within Budget
At Atlanta's new airport terminal complex the landside functions (ticketing and baggage) are in a two-building complex, and the airside activities (airplane gates and waiting...





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