Taming the Urban Underground
When designing and installing excavation support systems at a city construction site, be prepared to deal with the urban jungle. Tunnels and utility cables and pipes clog the underground,...

Recycling on the Mississippi
Changes in the Mississippi River's water depth and alignment are forcing the retirement of the 105-year-old Hannibal, Mo. swing bridge. Although the bridge's...

High-Grade Concrete for the Single Permanent Shotcrete Lining Method
With the single permanent shotcrete lining method in underground construction in rock, a shotcrete layer placed subsequently to the application of the supporting shotcrete replaces the...

Active Tunnel Design?A New Concept for Predesign, Contractual Lay-out and Construction Management
Active tunnel Design is a new concept for design, layout of specification and contract, and for construction management of tunnels and underground carverns. Investigations yeild more information...

Practical Considerations on the Use of Additives for Shotcrete
Shotcrete is mostly used today for securing rock: in this capacity, it has solved many problems and has become a necessary aid. However, thedegree of utilization of the method is still...

Construction of Shotcrete Linings Channel Tunnel
Without the use of shotcrete and the flexibility it offers in terms of tunnel profile, economy and speed of tunnelling, the project would certainly not be as far advanced as it is at present....

Fibre Reinforced Shotcrete Case Studies of Wet and Dry Processes
Both wet shotcrete and fibre reinforced shotcrete are being increasingly utilised in the South African mining industry. This Paper describes two applications of fibre reinforced shotcrete...

A Review of Sprayed Concrete Linings Adopted at Dinorwig Power Station
Sprayed concrete was adopted extensively as one element of both temporary and permanent rock support during the construction of the 1800 MW Dinorwig underground power station in North...

Reinforced Shotcrete Linings as Part of an Integrated Support System Used in a High Stress Mining Environment
Shabanie and King Mines are situated in the Southern part of Zimbabwe, some 60 km apart and approximately 200 km east of Bulawayo. They are the largest underground operations in Zimbabwe...

A Microcomputer Model to Estimate the Benefits of Volume Generated Auxiliary Passing Lanes on Two-Lane, Two-Way Highways
Safety and operational characteristics of rural and suburban two-lane roadways can be substantially improved by the provision of adequate passing opportunity, especially as traffic volumes...

Determining Hours of Congestion for Urban Freeways
The concept of Hours of Freeway Congestion is a measure of effectiveness in the evaluation of freeway reconstruction scenarios. The procedure described herein estimates future traffic...

Computer Applications on the Central Artery/Tunnel Project
Boston's Central Artery/Tunnel (CA/T) project consists of the reconstruction of a 4.2 mile segment of Interstate Route 93 in downtown Boston, a 3.3 mile extension of Interstate Route 90...

Scoping the Monitoring Instrumentation to Meet Repository Design and Construction Needs
This paper discusses categories of instruments that are available and recommended for consideration to monitor the engineering performance and interactions of the geologic media, groundwater,...

Environmental Consulting Grows Up
The environmental engineering industry got its first taste of maturity in 1992, courtesy of the weak U.S. economy. Revenue growth, which had raced along at a 25%-30% clip for years, abruptly...

Engineering: Environmental vs. Developmental Goals
The 1992 winner of the Daniel W. Mead Student Paper competition explores the potential conflict for engineers, between environmental and developmental goals. Noting a dictionary definition...

Safety Enhancement of Bridges with Seismic Isolation Bearings
This paper summarizes the experimental and analytical studies done at Dept. of Civil Eng., Kyoto Univ., on application of base isolation bearings to highway bridges and the Menshin (base...

Data Base for Seismis Rick Assessment in Mexico City
We describe a model to estimate expected ground motions and expected damage, based on intensity damage relations derived for 14 classes of buildings representative of Mexico City construction....

Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Reinforced Concrete Buildings. The Practice in Mexico After 1985
The evolution of the design and construction practice of reinforced concrete buildings in Mexico is presented in terms of materials, structural systems, member design and reinforcement...

Code Provisions for Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Wall Buildings in California
Prior to the Long Beach earthquake of 1933, unreinforced masonry (URM) construction was usual in California, as it still is in many areas of the United States. The poor performance of...

CenterCore Strengthening System for Seismic Hazard Reduction of Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Wall Buildings
The CenterCore technique of reinforcing unreinforced masonry walls was developed with the help of a National Science Foundation grant in 1984. The CenterCore strengthening system consists...





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