Using GIS to Define and Develop TAZ Data
GIS permits users to geographically display database information. It also can provide a common link between two or more previously unrelated databases. Increasingly, these capabilities...

Use of Geographic Information System for Transportation Data Analysis
Origin-destination (O-D) survey data have been usually applied to identify travel characteristics for transportation planning activities. Travel forecasting models are also validated against...

Transit Network Modelling?A New Approach
London's underground is one of the world's largest heavy-rail underground systems. London underground Limited (LUL) is the main rapid transit operator in London, and is financed directly...

A Microcomputer Program to Evaluate Low Cost Modifications on Urban Freeways
This paper presents a user-friendly, menu-driven microcomputer program, RAMP, for analysis and evaluation of freeway ramp junction level of service. RAMP automates the approximation procedure...

Policy Options and Highway Capacity Needs
One of the recurring criticisms levelled against FHWA's Report to Congress on the Status of the Nation's Highways is that the Report does not go far enough in examining the implications...

The Development of a Regional GIS/Transportation Database
This paper describes the development of a prototype concept and demonstration for a geographical information system-transportation database (GIS/T) for the Regional Transportation Commission...

Trends in Digital Road Map Databases for Microcomputer Applications in Transportation
Advances in the technology and coverage of precision digital road-map database, combined with advances in the size and data processing capacity of microcomputers, are together contributing...

Real-Time Delay Measurement and Intersection Analysis System
Two intersection delay measurement approaches are developed, and a framework for a real-time traffic signal data collection and intersection operational analysis system is presented. The...

An Expert System Analysis of the Signal Operational Analysis Package Results
An expert system is a type of artificial intelligence program that captures the human knowledge which is involved in making a decision. Expert systems are very suitable for solving problems...

Using the 1985 HCM, PASSER and TRANSYT in Harmony
Throughout the last decade, the City of DeKalb Engineering Division has embarked on a program to address their highly variable traffic demands with comprehensive signal system projects...

Development of Self-Organizing Traffic Control System Using Neural Network Model
This paper is concerned with developing a self-organizing traffic control system using a neural network model, a multilayer network model. The neural network inputs the control variables,...

The Permanent Traffic Count Analysis Package
The data management of traffic volume counts can be so overwhelming that limited time and effort is spent collecting and saving traffic counts. With the use of computer technology, however,...

Large-Truck Safety Decision Support System
Large trucks, defined here as trucks having six or more wheels and a gross weight greater than 10,000 pounds, present a difficult safety problem to our nation's transportation system....

An Interactive Input Data Manager for the TRAF Simulation System
TRAFEdit is an interactive, menu driven program which allows the user to create or modify an input data file for the TRAF simulation system. TRAFEdit is essentially an update to the NEDIT...

Tennessee's Integrated Rural Transit Microcomputer Software
The Tennessee Department of transportation (TDOT) entered into a research contract with Vanderbilt University and the University of Tennessee to develop an integrated series of programs...

Implementation of a Real-Time, Paratransit Scheduling System at DART
Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) implemented the GIRO/ACCES paratransit scheduling system for its HandiRides and DARTABOUT paratransit programs. HandiRides serves elderly and disabled...

A Calibration Process for Automatic Incident Detection Algorithms
This paper describes the development of a general method for the calibration of Automatic Incident Detection algorithms. A simple structure of freeway traffic data adapted to this process...

Spreadsheet Pavement Management Systems for Local Roads
Changes in administration and funding levels at the local government level are continuing to illustrate the need for information systems to aid the county engineer or public works director....

A Maintenance Management System for Highways & Urban Streets
This paper describes the establishment of a comprehensive management system for highways and urban streets of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. In this important United Nations project...

Historical Pavement Management Database Feasibility Study
Technological and operational issues related to implementing a historical database to support the South Dakota Department of Transportation's current and future pavement management activities...





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