Riverbank Instability Due to Bed Degradation
Degradation lowers the bed of an alluvial channel over a long reach. This has the effect of increasing the bank heights and angles, which decreases the stability of the banks with respect...

Toe Scour Protection in Open Channels
Scour at the toe of bank protection works is one of the major causes of failure of these structures. Weighted riprap toes are frequently used to prevent bank protection failure due to...

Stratigraphy of Alluvial Fan Flood Deposits
The purpose of this paper is to describe an engineering geologic technique for assessing the frequency and magnitude of sedimentation events on alluvial fans. The technique is based on...

Design Depths and Velocities on Alluvial Fans
Under Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guidelines, flood depths and velocities on alluvial fans are determined by considering the probability of a given point on the alluvial...

Evaluating Flood Hazards on Alluvial Fans
In 1982, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) developed a methodology for the determination of flood hazard zones and base (100-year) flood elevations on alluvial fans for administering...

Computations of High-Velocity Flows on Alluvial Fans
The results of numerical models of supercritical flows on alluvial fans demonstrate the strong effect fan topography has on flow velocity and depth. Particularly important are transverse...

Initiation of Density Currents in Diverging Channels: Comparison of Field and Laboratory Data
The transition from free surface channel flow to a submerged density current has been investigated in the laboratory. A set of field data has been collected at a wastewater effluent site....

An Inline Retarding Basin
This paper discusses the idea of retarding flows within existing right-of-way in a linear basin. This concept is based on longitudinally dividing the right-of-way into two sections. The...

Analysis of Progressive Development on Alluvial Fans
Flow on alluvial fans is considered to be somewhat unpredictable and complex, experiencing high velocities, avulsions, erosion, and deposition causing a dynamic topography with flooding...

Scodie Canyon Flash Floods of 1984
This paper describes a unique thunderstorm and flood which occurred in Kern County, California in 1984. It describes the follow-up studies and method of implementation of building restrictions...

Alluvial Fan Flooding and Development Alternatives
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) utilizes a methodology which examines the probability of an incised channel forming at any given location across the fan, in consideration...

Comparison of Vertical Velocity Measurements in the Great Lakes Connecting Channels with Theoretical Profiles
Vertical distribution of velocities was measured with an upward looking acoustic Doppler current profiler in the upper St. Clair River during November 1984 - April 1986 and the Detroit...

Little Dry Creek Channel Improvements Provide Flood Control and Revitalization for Englewood, Colorado
A multi-purpose, off-stream storage facility located at the upstream end of the project provides 85 acre-feet of flood storage during the 100-year storm and provides athletic fields during...

Hydraulic Design for La Quinta Stormwater Project
An upstream detention basin was designed to trap debris and attenuate flows into Bear Creek Channel. The high velocity supercritical flow made a one side bank protection design for the...

Snow-Melt Triggered Debris Flows Affecting Utah's Megalopolis
During the abnormally wet years of 1983 and 1984, debris flows were triggered late in spring on the west flank of the Wasatch Mountains and elsewhere in Central Utah. These debris flows...

Emergency Response to the 1983 Debris Flows Along Utah's Wasatch Front
The wet cycle experienced in Utah culminated in approximately one thousand landslide triggered debris flows caused by rapid melt of unprecedented snow accumulation in the Wasatch Mountains,...

Channel Morphology and Habitat
Stream channels provide habitat for aquatic animals, such as fish and aquatic benthic invertebrates. Associated with the channel are near water habitats important to amphibians, reptiles,...

Stream Flow Model for a Coastal Stream in Egypt
The Coastal region north of Egypt contains many small streams known as Wadis which are considered the main water resources in that region. All the Wadis in the north coast of Egypt run...

Flow Field and Bed Topography in River Meanders
A mathematical model is developed for the calculation of flow field and bed topography in curved channels with an erodible bed. A small perturbation approach is used to linearize the governing...

Processes of Meander Bend Migration
The flow pattern in a meander bend is described in terms of the primary flow, secondary flow, and cross-stream flow. Secondary flow which is normal to the primary flow contributes to lateral...





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