The Sedimentary Organisation and Behaviour of Drift-Aligned Gravel Barriers
Drift-aligned barriers formed of coarse clastic materials and described in terms of their organisational evolution at two levels, a) sorting and selection of clasts; b) development of...

Sorting Characteristics of Tidal Inlets
An hypothesis is presented as follows: Littoral processes at a tidal inlet remove a disproportionately higher quantity of fine grain sediment than coarse grain sediment from the littoral...

Information Entropy and Environmental Engineering
Environmental engineering decisions are often made with limited information. In such cases it is useful to express uncertain quantities with a probability distribution. The use of information...

The Dilemma of Measuring Small Pressure Changes in a Settling Tube
A compact settling tube was developed to determine fall-velocity and particle-size frequency distributions and specific gravities of sand-range sediment samples by means of direct measurements...

Development of Method for Measuring Near-Surface Turbulence
New techniques for tracking particles in fluid are presented. A method to make micro-capsules which are filled with pure water and covered with a thin film of polystyrene is developed....

Measurement of Wave-Induced Turbulent Flow Structures Using Digital Image Sequence Analysis
The turbulent flow in water close to the wavy wind-stressed water surface has been examined quantitatively in a large circular wind-water tunnel with a flow visualization method using...

Freezing Out Sludge
Sludge dewatering is one of the most difficult problems in water and wastewater treatment. This has been especially true for treatment plants in cold regions. Drying beds, the most common...

Deposition of Airborne Particles from Fractured Spent Fuel or High-Level Waste
Preliminary equations are developed to predict the amount of deposition of airborne particles that may result from an accidental release in a hot cell. The fraction of these airborne particles...

Development of a CRUD Particle Size Distribution and Its Effect on Cask Source Term and Containment Analyses
Spent pressurized-water reactor (PWR) and boiling-water reactor (BWR) fuel rods from three reactors were examined by hot cell periscope, energy dispersive x-ray analysis, and scanning...

Clearing Space Debris Using Energetic Materials
Space debris is growing at an alarming rate. It consists not only of old, unusable payloads but also aluminum oxide combustion products of various space delivery systems and small fragments...

Application of Particle Tracking Model for Ocean Outfall Siting in New Bedford, Massachusetts
PACE, a particle tracking model, was used to assist siting studies for an ocean outfall to be built in conjunction with the City of New Bedford's proposed new secondary wastewater...

2-D Particle Tracking Model for Estuary Mixing
This paper presents the development and analysis of a 2-D particle tracking or random walk model for the simulation of transport in vertically well-mixed estuaries. The model was tested...

The Bearing Capacity of Debris Flows
Debris flows are made of a cohesive muddy matrix in which large and heavy particles exist in suspension. To explain how these particles are maintained in suspension, several mechanisms...

Resistance Consisting of Both Viscous Force and Dispersive Force
A set of specially designed experiments have been carried for studying the resistance of a flow consisting of water and both fine and coarse particles. The viscous force caused by fine...

Scour in Non-Cohesive Beds at Culvert Outlets
An empirical relationship was developed to estimate the depth of scour in non-cohesive material at culvert outlets. The scour depth is expressed as a function of mean particle size of...

Application of the Ackers-White Procedure for Transport by Size Fractions and Testing in HEC-6
Modification of the Ackers-White method for the calculation of sediment transport by size fractions has led to a procedure which not only permits such calculations, but also increases...

Surface Water Particles: Coagulation and Sorption
A size-dependent particle and particle-associated contaminant transport and fate model is presented. The unsteady, two-dimensional model couples the water column and bed and enables analysis...

Derivation of a Stability Principle from the Shields Criterion
The widely used specific energy equation, which defines the subcritical and supercritical states of the open channel flow, is a direct result of the integration of the Froude number corresponding...

Towards a Distinct Treatment of Incipient Motion for Bed Forms of Low Regime
The principle methods for estimating the incipient particle motion on developed bed forms in the lower regime are compared with each other. Usually only a part of the total wall shear...

Integral Length Scale in Sediment-Suspending Flow
The Clauser integral length scale is an adequate scaling parameter for velocity defect profiles in clearwater and sediment-suspending flows in open channels. Velocity defect profiles plotted...





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