Mechanical Fastening of Structural Wood Members?Design and Research Status
A brief overview is provided of the current mechanical fastening research base as background for a discussion of future research needs and priorities. A summary is presented of the current...

Structural Analysis of Light-Frame Subassemblies
Conventional light-frame subassemblies have a long history of good performance. Until recently this performance could not be quantified adequately because of the complex ways in which...

Heavy Timber Structures and Bridges
Development and application of treated glued-laminated timber is a landmark event in structural engineering history. The inertia of this event has produced continued, rapid and dramatic...

An Overview of Structural Panels and Structural Composite Products
Plywood has been the principal structural panel for construction since the late 1940s. Today, structural panels are evolving into products such as composite panels, oriented strand board,...

Reliability-Based Design for Wood Structures: Potentials and Research Needs
Wood as a renewable resource is briefly discussed to provide an understanding of the complex nature of the relationship between its availability and its efficient use for engineered construction....

Wood Trusses and Other Manufactured Structural Components
Roof trusses, floor trusses, wood I and box beams, and glued-laminated timber are discussed. Some of the major recommendations for future research include improved analytical techniques...

Structural Analysis of Light-Frame Wood Buildings
This paper reviews the information currently available and lacking that is needed for improving design procedures. Some initial attempts at theoretical analysis of entire wood buildings...

Structural Wood Research
State-of-the-Art and Research Needs
Timber is an abundant and renewable natural resource and its use exceeds all other construction material. Structural wood represents a challenge of vast dimensions and attention to various...

Journal of Engineering Mechanics
The Journal of Engineering Mechanics covers activity and development in the field of applied mechanics as it relates to civil engineering. Research on bioengineering, computational mechanics, computer-aided...

Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering covers the field of soil mechanics and foundations, with special emphasis on the relationship between the geologic environmental and man-made works. Computer applications...

Journal of Structural Engineering
The Journal of Structural Engineering reports on fundamental knowledge that contributes to the state of the art and state of the practice in structural engineering. Authors discuss the art and science...

Journal of Urban Planning and Development
The Journal of Urban Planning and Development covers the application of civil engineering to such aspects of urban planning as area-wide transportation, the coordination of planning and programming of...

How a Structural Firm Transformed Itself into an E/A Firm Engineeriing
During the past decade, there have been a number of structural engineering firms that have broadened their scope to become engineer/architect firms. This article is an in-depth case history...

Building Failures�Preventing Them, Learning from Them
Ways to design and construct a structure so as to minimize chances of errors leading to failure are described. Held up as models of systematically investigating failures are the incident-study...

Micro-Computer Program: Roof Purlin Design
A micro-computer program is explained in step-by-step manner as a shortcut for biaxial bending design with results in as little as 60 seconds. Biaxial bending requires the consideration...

Failure of the Breakwater at Port Sines, Portugal
The objectives of the Port Sines Investigation Panel were to collect perishable data on and to identify causes of the failure on February 26, 1978, of the rubble mound breakwater at Port...

Grouting in Geotechnical Engineering
The 63 pages included in these proceedings came from 12 different countries and deal with the pertinent advances in grouting materials and technology that have occurred throughout the...

Construction Equipment & Techniques for the Eighties
Thirty-three papers on construction equipment and techniques are presented. Construction equipment management is discussed, including criteria for equipment selection, utilization and...

Preventing Another Sunshine Skyway Bridge Disaster
America will not soon forget the tragic collapse of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge into Tampa Bay almost two years ago. That accident was a costly lesson in the crucial importance of protecting...

Microcomputer Water Quality Simulation Model
Water quality models are widely used in the analysis of natural water systems to evaluate the impacts of wastewater handling alternatives and changes in land use. Linear, steady-state,...





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