Let the Buyer Beware
As recently as the 1970s, state highway agencies blindly purchased land for projects without much concern for hazardous waste. But that changed in 1980 with Superfund legislation, specifically...

Instrumenting for Eternity (Almost)
Prendergast describes the safety features and instrumentation for a low level radioactive waste disposal facility planned for Illinois. Federal law requires that each state or group of...

Instant Design
The evolution of computer software and automation is clearly changing site analysis and design: The time needed to create plans has been radically reduced, myriad design options can now...

Cleaning Up: The Second Decade
Endless media coverage and a high level of public anxiety make it seem as though the U.S. has been attempting to clean toxic waste sites for decades. In fact, the 1980s were our first...

Corps of Engineers Drought Management Experiences
The drought of 1988-89 was one of the most severe on record for many regions of the United States. Its severity can be measured in terms of the areal extent of hydrologic impact, the record...

The Impact of Agricultural and Industrial Development on the Water Quality in Latin America and the Caribbean
Agricultural and Industrial development are having a serious negative impact upon the quality of water resources in Latin America and the Caribbean. The continuing demographic explosion...

Form Follows Geometry
The $107 million NCNB Plaza in Tamps, Fla. consists of a 32 floor, 500,000 sq ft, 455 ft tall office tower; a 40,000 sq ft, 78 ft tall banking hall, and a 280,000 sq ft parking garage...

Industry Faces the Parking Problem
Parking structures are deteriorating; no land is available for new facilities; and employees have no other options for parking. The situation is a serious one, verging on disaster for...

U.S. Tackles Leaking Tanks
Regulations to deal with leaking underground storage tanks have been in force since 1984 and deadlines for compliance began in 1989 for tanks installed before 1969. The Environmental Protection...

Rochester Stops the Deluge
After a slew of stopgap waste-treatment plants failed to solve Rochester's chronic storm water and sewage overflow problem, city officials changed direction in the late 1960s....

Seismic Design of Liquid Storage Tanks
Originally published in: Journal of the Technical Councils, ASCE, TC1, April 1981...

Geosynthetic Shields For Dams
A series of large dams in Europe, waterproofed by geosynthetics, may become U.S. prototypes. In Europe, the faces of more than 30 large dams now contain geotextiles and geomembranes. In...

The design for a hypothetical 142-story building advances te real-world challenge for taller and taller superskyscrapers. To be located on the riverbank in Chicago, it is 1,745 ft tall...

Toronto Skydome Retractable Roof Stadium?The Roof Concept and Design
The Toronto SkyDome is a first of its kind sports stadium with a retractable roof which results in, essentially, a fully open air stadium with the roof fully retracted. This unique roof,...

Optimization of Structures Subjected to Vibrations
A minimum cost optimization procedure is presented for the analysis of multi-degree freedom structures subjected to steady, transient and random vibration environment. The procedure is...

Evaluation and Remediation of Construction Defects in Tilt Wall Panels
Both the surface appearance and structural safety were of concern to the Owner of a five year old warehouse structure that was experiencing delamination of tilt-up wall panels. Delamination...

ATC-23: A Survey of California Hospitals for Earthquake Survivability Potential
In September, 1986 the SSC recommended the completion of a survey of existing acute care hospitals as the first step in a program to bring about the upgrading of all pre-1973 hospitals...

Seismic Isolation of Storage Tanks
There has been a significant amount of research activity over the past decade on the seismic design of storage tanks. The seismic design issues and limit states are quite complex due to...

Seismic Large Amplitude Liquid Sloshing?Theory
The sloshing phenomenon in seismically-excited, rectangular, liquid storage tanks is addressed. In particular, a semi-analytical method to study the effects of large amplitude sloshing...

Buckling Criteria for Earthquake-Induced Overturning Stresses in Cylindrical Liquid Storage Tanks
Perhaps one of the most common forms of seismic damage to cylindrical liquid storage tanks made out of steel is buckling of the tank wall due to vertical overturning stresses. Buckling...





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