Using Climate Model Output to Assess the Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources
The use of general circulation models (GCMs) to provide climate data for regional assessments of the impacts of changing climate on water resources stretches the limits of what the models...

Guidelines for Water-Resource Planning under Cliamte Change
This study combines the use of several standard tools of hydrology (synthetic hydrology, flood risk analysis, reservoir simulation) with newer considerations of increased demand for water...

Regional Water Supply Development in the SWFWMD
Regional water supply authorities have been formed within the Southwest Florida Water Management District in an effort to meet growing water demands of a rapidly expanding population....

Regional Water Supply Management in Southern New Hampshire
This paper presents the findings and recommendations of the Southern New Hamsphire Water Supply Study regarding regional water supply management in the study area. The study area includes...

Regional Water-Supply Development and CWA Section 404
Regional water-supply development is generally promoted because of potential cost savings and improved system management, but regionalization may also provide an opportunity to reduce...

Decision Support System for Water Supply Planning
A decision support system (DSS) has been developed to assist water use planners and technical staff of the Southwest Florida Water Management District in choosing appropriate supply alternatives...

Use of Models in Water Resource Systems: CRSS Experience
The Colorado River Simulation System (CRSS) is an in-house governmental computer-based model designed to be used as a decision support tool in performing long and mid range planning and...

49th Street Bridge: A Study in Environmental Planning
The State of Florida, with its substantial environmental legislation, rigorous permitting requirements, and growing public awareness, poses a major challenge for the water resources engineer....

Optimization Model for the Control of Saltwater Intrusion
An optimization model is presented for the control of saltwater intrusion in the Jakarta groundwater basin. A quasi three dimensional, finite difference simulation model is used to predict...

Ground Water Management in the Memphis, Tennessee Urban Area
In 1887, the first known water well was placed in the aquifer which presently supplies almost 100% of the water used by the Memphis Urban Area (MUA). Since that time, the MUA has developed...

The Use of GIS in the Study of Water Resources
GIS is becoming an increasingly important tool to the water resource plannar and manager. However, in order to integrate GIS effectively into this field, current and future hydrologists...

Is GIS in Water Resources Better or Different
The Geographic Information System (GIS) is a relatively new tool which, when applied properly, may greatly benefit the water resources analyst. GIS technology combines sophisticated graphical...

Using a GIS to Better Manage Water Resources in Texas
This paper examines five GIS applications under development in two state agencies in Texas responsible for the management and regulation of water resources, response to and remediation...

An Expert Critiquing System to Assist in Operating a Water Supply Network
An expert 'critiquing' system is under development to assist in operating San Francisco's multi-reservoir water supply system. This computer application...

Managing Water Supply and Demand with Integrated Computer Models
Water resource planning and management has greatly benefited from the use of computer modeling. Numerous computer models have been developed to predict expected outcomes given a set of...

Penetration Testing for Groundwater Contaminants
Recent advances in penetration testing technology have produced a variety of new penetration devices to measure groundwater conditions. This paper describes two specially designed devices;...

CZMA Consistency Opinions: An Undiscovered Body of Law
The Coastal Zone Management Act allows states to block the issuance of Federal licenses and permits if the permitted activity would be inconsistent with the state's Federally...

The Public Trust Doctrine and Coastal Zone Management: Towards a Model Policy
The Public Trust Doctrine has long been a tenet of American property law and has been utilized to varying degrees in coastal zone management by individual States. Renewed attention to...

Public Involvement in Coastal Planning?The Long Beach Experience
A land use plan is often the creation of a professional planning staff prepared in response to the direction of public officials. When the City of Long Beach, California, was required...

Natural Resource Trustee Responsibilites: An Awakening Titan
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA), and the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) designate the...





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